Representative Anna Paulina Luna Fights Back Against WaPo Smear Job – IOTW Report

Representative Anna Paulina Luna Fights Back Against WaPo Smear Job

The Freshman Republican Representative from Florida created a stir this week during the Oversight Committee Hearing of Former Twitter Executives. Anna Paulina Luna roasted Yoel Roth when he tried to deny communicating with federal agencies through a private network called Jira. Here

The confrontation must have struck a nerve on the left as Luna became the target of a hit job by the Washington Post on Friday. Smear. Now Representative Luna is demanding the Post take down the piece or face legal action. Content More

8 Comments on Representative Anna Paulina Luna Fights Back Against WaPo Smear Job

  1. Pretty girl.

    A lefty newspaper goes after a GOPer who is causing their side some discomfort, like that’s never happened before.

    I am struck by the sheer reach of the MSM. I noticed a Jerusalem Post piece in my feed this morning parroting the same baseless claims about her. A sloppily sourced article comes out in the NYT or WaPo and it’s picked up by a hundred different newspapers as fact. We really are at a disadvantage.

  2. “According to Luna, the piece included mischaracterizations and errors, including questioning her Hispanic heritage…”

    I’m trying to remember when the WaPoo did an article questioning Elizabeth Warren’s Indian heritage. How about Beto O’Roark?

  3. And her grandfather serving in the Wehrmacht did not make him a Nazi party member, and it certainly does not make her a Nazi. Also, from Jesus to the founding fathers, we are not supposed to carry the guilt of our fathers (or grandfathers). It is amazing how the MSM does such an amazingly thorough job of research into the background of conservatives, yet remains willfully ignorant of anything to do with the background of their chosen heroes and their extended families.


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