Representative MTG – She has moxie – IOTW Report

Representative MTG – She has moxie

21 Comments on Representative MTG – She has moxie

  1. Apparently Rep Marie Newman is a science denier.
    There are only 2 sexes.

    There is no such thing as chicks with dicks
    All there is and ever will be is dudes with boobs

  2. She is the most awesome congressperson i have ever seen.
    Please run for president. And i am serious.

    I don’t need trump trying to worm his way into office again to once again fill his admin to the brim with deep state scumbags. FK THAT!

  3. And the Lord Jesus Christ speaks across all time and history the unchanging truth:

    “And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,…” Matthew 19:4

    Every “trans” person is transitioning from one of these two, fixed points of reference. They can deny that they are neither, or some variation of each respectively, but this only confirms the truth that there is only Male and Female. They can insist that there are 22 genders, or 57, or whatever the new number is, but it changes nothing. The battle is that we have Government-sponsored moral license and an assault upon our children, parental authority, and religious freedom.

    They are free to arbitrarily decide they are some other “gender” but you’re not free to say that they are not. You are bound to objectively affirm their “identity” which they themselves are not bound by; they can decide to be something entirely different tomorrow, because “trans” has no limit.

  4. She’s terrific. Love her.

    That said, there are THREE “genders”: masculine, feminine, and neuter.

    There are TWO “sexes”.

    Please try to get it right, folks. The constant use of “gender” in place of “sex” is what has allowed the transgender 157-variety idiocy.

    I could see Newman (SEXIST!! “Newperson”!) attacking MTG, and MTG turning around and kicking NewPerson’s ass.


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