representin’ – IOTW Report


21 Comments on representin’

  1. The tranny pictured is a guy from Spokane who killed a hooker about 20 years or so ago when he was a man. And now since he’s been in prison has become a woman on Wash. state’s dime and now claims that since he committed the crime when he was a man and that now he/she/it is a woman that he’s not responsible for the crime of killing a hooker or some such bullshit. I hate the convoluted pretzel logic of the left, I don’t care if he was a guy when he killed the hooker and now claims that he’s scot free since he’s a woman now. You’re still responsible for that crime no matter how fucked up you are in your head and should be held accountable as such.

  2. OMG Ain’t that the truth.
    I asked one of my nutball lefties if they really thought I was equal to a crazy guy in a van down by the river after countless posts yesterday that essentially said, “See! See!! Told ya so!!!”

    “Well, not YOU.”
    Yeah. Whatever.

    I still think it was all Deep State stagecraft. 🤔

  3. The guy representing the Trump voters is supposedly named Cesar Sayoc.

    Amazingly, if you unscramble “CESARSAYOC”, you can spell “A ACCESSORY”.


    h/t Feral Irishman

  4. We are advised to NOT judge ALL (fill in the blank) by the actions of a random lunatic, but we are encouraged to judge ALL Trump supporters by the actions of a random lunatic.

  5. This is so true and telling. Beginning with Oswald and only the 3 free then media complicit networks that molded the ‘National’ view. 50 years plus later, same old Sh*t. Add in politicians holding office for over 30 years and no ‘collusion’ on their part will ever be acknowledged. Will never forget LBJ while taking the ‘Oath’ smiling with a casket of JFK behind him. Another October surprise? Nah, the same silly crap, going on and on and on and on, up and down on the boulevard. Just like the 2008 election promise, on the common sense side, my hope and change will happen again in the 2018 mid-terms, as it did in 2016. This presentation is so valid for anyone to research and learn the real truth.

  6. PHenry – if only it would apply to the media paying self-loathing trash that they support on behalf of the greedy stock-holders only wishing not to keep the no-talent trash out of their basements and refrigerators.

  7. ANONY


    IMHO America’s best President, was a conservative D for 51 years. In ’47 at HUAC this president of SAG called out 2 America hating actors – an American , H. Fonda; and a man I think was not American (I never saw any of his movies and really know little about him – other than he hated Abe Lincoln, and America) Errol Flynn!
    In ’48 he , virtually single handedly, elected a D who “the polls” said had no chance! HST

    While a TV star in Soal in ’60 he said. “My party has nominated a Commie for President!”. In ’62 he changed his voter registration in LA County from D to R ; saying “My party and its Commies, have left me!#$%!. 10/64 he gave “TheSpeech” and became a famous “politician”!

    This Democrat’s name was Ronny Reagan. I think he was the best Gov of Cal and the best American President.


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