Republican Arizona Rep. David Schweikert says He Received More Death Threats In 2017 Than Every Other Year Combined – IOTW Report

Republican Arizona Rep. David Schweikert says He Received More Death Threats In 2017 Than Every Other Year Combined


“My fear is this is the playbook of a lot of our brothers and sisters on the left — they’re going to get fringier and fringier, louder and louder, angrier and angrier, and as you and I know, we sometimes have some folks in our society who aren’t completely healthy,” Schweikert said while appearing on “Plaidcast,” a podcast hosted by Republican Rep. Sean Duffy of Wisconsin.

“And we had more death threats last year, in my office, even one towards my little girl, than we’ve ever had in all the other years combined and my fear is that this rage that is being generated for political turnout is actually really becoming unhealthy for our political society,” Schweikert continued.  read more

8 Comments on Republican Arizona Rep. David Schweikert says He Received More Death Threats In 2017 Than Every Other Year Combined

  1. “…my fear is that this rage that is being generated for political turnout is actually really becoming unhealthy for our political society,”

    Did you figure that out all by yourself, Sherlock?

  2. Well, when you allow elected representatives in DC, a Congress Woman for pete’s sake, to openly call for harassment and violence against citizens they are supposed to be representing, and calling for the coup of an elected President, without consequences, the deranged will just become more emboldened to continue to break the law and commit treason and violence.

    “Unhealthy for our political society?…” yeah because it is the mentally unhealthy that are trying to bring down civilization.

    I think we should just laugh at them until they spontaneously combust, rather than taking the bait and acting as nutty as they are.

  3. the pace of political violence is quickening.

    this will not end well for anyone.

    except those that scripted it. the nwo types. the global government cheerleaders.

    they expect to be free from all and any consequences.

    including the violence they are unleashing against the citizens.

    I pray they get a chance to feel the wrath of citizen patriots at the end of a rope.


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