Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote – IOTW Report

Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote

“That’s deceasesist!”, exclaimed the democrats.

Blaze: A Republican congressman made a stand against dead people voting in elections and introduced a bill that requires Americans to be alive in order to cast ballots. Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) proposed the You Must Be Alive to Vote Act last week.

“You would think it would be unnecessary to have a bill like this, I mean it goes without saying you should be alive before you get to vote.”

15 Comments on Republican congressman introduces bill requiring Americans to be alive to vote

  1. If the next person responsible for “losing” the ballots that are suddenly “found” and alter an election’s results was sent away for 5-10 maybe that might stop it from happening. There are never any consequences – just “oops, looky what I found in the trunk of my car, I guess it slipped my mind. I had so many other things I was thinking about, I totally forget the assignment I was charged with”. Why we can’t the states purge the voter roles and make everybody register and show an ID? – never mind it’s a rhetorical question.

  2. JD H
    Who declares guilt? The same as count!
    Sounds good; but clearly not REAL WORLD. Were it real world Don’s landslide would be being compared to Ronny’s!

    think JOHN ROBERTS!

  3. If someone stops them from counting votes from the dead they will simply start counting votes from the unborn.

    Democrats are cheaters….it’s what they do.

  4. “I would prefer a bill making it mandatory to execute anyone involved in in any way in election fraud”

    Too harsh for a first offense.

    Life in prison for a first offense and execution for a second.

  5. What is REALLY needed is to enforce the existing laws….like holding terrorists to account….or holding those involved in a coup to account….or maybe even holding saboteurs to account.

    You know….the simple basics that tend to hold a sovereign nation from the threats from within.


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