Republican Doctors Need Representation So Leftists Can’t Control Medical Narratives – IOTW Report

Republican Doctors Need Representation So Leftists Can’t Control Medical Narratives


It appears physicians are not the only group that’s taken notice of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) waning influence. The AMA’s recurrent failures in representing physicians have also attracted the media’s attention. In an article published by Axios on Wednesday, the growing dissatisfaction with the AMA from Congress’s Physician’s Caucus was reported. Of course, Axios tried to spin the problem as falling on the backs of Republicans, stating, “Republicans break with another historical ally: doctors.” However, a closer look reveals that the problem actually lies with the AMA.

According to Axios, Republicans have enjoyed a “historical alliance with the nation’s leading physicians’ group.” In studying the AMA’s political support throughout the years, the author notes a definite rise in contributions to Democratic candidates over the past three cycles. Although the numbers are accurate, the trend is not due to some Republican recalcitrance. In fact, some of it can be explained by the AMA’s tendency to siphon its contributions to candidates belonging to the party in power. Thus, the increase in contributions to Democrat candidates in 2020 and 2022 is predictably explained as reflecting the power balance in Congress and in the executive branch.  

Yet more revealing are the sentiments quoted in the same article by various physician congressmen about the AMA. Physician Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, noted shortly after his meeting with AMA leadership, “It looks like all you care about are woke issues.” On the Senate side, Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., observed that the AMA “has been very much left-wing or left-of-center for a long time” while voicing concerns regarding the misguided priorities of its subsidiary organizations such as the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists. According to Axios, the tension has led some political scientists to conclude that the Republicans were losing the support of “doctors.”  

This conclusion is bunk! 

3 Comments on Republican Doctors Need Representation So Leftists Can’t Control Medical Narratives

  1. They shouldn’t be aligned with any political party and they should be inclusive of all medical practices – integrative, natural path, along with allopathic care. They’ve been used for decades to attack doctors with natural cancer treatments and other treatments not pharmaceutical under both parties.


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