Republican House panel subpoenas Gov. Walz in investigation of Minnesota nonprofit that ran a Covid aid scheme – IOTW Report

Republican House panel subpoenas Gov. Walz in investigation of Minnesota nonprofit that ran a Covid aid scheme

The group Feeding Our Future faces federal criminal charges that it created fake children’s names to seek reimbursements for meals that were never served.

9 Comments on Republican House panel subpoenas Gov. Walz in investigation of Minnesota nonprofit that ran a Covid aid scheme

  1. I’m sure he’s very worried!! Shivering in his booties!

    Clowngress busy doing another worthless ‘infestation’ of sloth-like, twiddle-Dee twiddle-DUMB, time wasting, go nowhere, circus performance bullshit investigation.

  2. Fuck that.

    Go after that bastard for using the MN Guard to illegally paintball citizens from their own damn porches over Coof lies even as he let BLM run rampamt.

    That fraud never had a duty he wasnt derelict in.

    Bullshit money thieving programs are just icing on the cake.

  3. @HGWTF$$…

    I have been trying to figure out what is up with his mouth, aside from the soft stool torrent of lies which pours out of it, and I just realized that he has the mouth of a Jack O’ Lantern. Good thing they usually don’t last more than a day after Halloween.

  4. In case anyone has forgotten, those people indicted, pled, or found guilty of fraud so far are:

    Aimee Marie Bock, Abdikerm Abdelahi Eidleh, Salim Ahmed Said, Abdulkadir Nur Salah, Ahmed Sharif Omar-Hashim, Abdi Nur Salah, Abdihakim Ali Ahmed, Abdikadir Ainanshe Mohamud, Abdinasir Mahamed Abshir, Asad Mohamed Abshir, Hamdi Hussein Omar, Ahmed Abdullahi Ghedi, Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed, Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Mahad Ibrahim, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin, Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff, Hayat Mohamed Nur, Qamar Ahmed Hassan, Sahra Mohamed Nur, Abdiwahab Ahmed Mohamud, Filsan Mumin Hassan, Guhaad Hashi Said, Abdullahe Nur Jesow, Abdul Abubakar Ali, Yusuf Bashir Ali, Haji Osman Salad, Fahad Nur, Anab Artan Awad, Sharmarke Issa, Farhiya Mohamud, Liban Yasin Alishire, Ahmed Yasin Ali, Khadar Jigre Adan, Sharmake Jama, Ayan Jama, Asha Jama, Fartun Jama, Mustafa Jama, Zamzam Jama, Bekam Addissu Merdassa, Hadith Yusuf Ahmed, Hanna Marekegn, Mekfira Hussein, Mohamed Muse Noor, and Abduljabar Hussein.

    I have just one question. How the heck did “Aimee Marie Bock” get in on that action?

  5. Big nonprofits are the worst! They hide behind their “do-gooder” status.
    The Salvation Army is part of Biden/Harris’ illegal immigrant transfer services. SA gives vouchers for illegals to be moved into the country via plane, even without documentation. I’m pretty sure SA is not the only one.


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