Republican Lawmakers Walk Out on Climate Change Vote, Governor Orders State Police to Round Them Up – IOTW Report

Republican Lawmakers Walk Out on Climate Change Vote, Governor Orders State Police to Round Them Up


Republican lawmakers in Oregon are in hot water after they refused to partake in a historic vote Thursday to implement a cap-and-trade program to help rein in industrial carbon emissions.

Gov. Kate Brown authorized the state police to round up the 12 Republicans who walked out of the Capitol in protest of the bill and bring them back to the Senate floor for a vote. If passed the measure will make Oregon the second state in the country after California to implement such a program.

“It would have been historic for Oregon, historic for the country, and frankly historic for the world,” Brown said at a press conference on Thursday. “Unfortunately Senate Republicans failed to show up and failed to do their jobs.”

Republicans fled the Senate, some even claiming to the leave the state, refusing to sign off on a bill that would limit emissions and establish pollution permits or “allowances” for each ton of carbon an industry plans to emit.

“After many hours of well-intentioned, respectful negotiations on Wednesday, the Senate has come to an impasse. The Senate Republicans have decided to abandon their duty to serve their constituents and walk out,” Brown said. “The Senate Democrats have requested the assistance of the Oregon State Police to bring back their colleagues to finish the work they committed to push forward for Oregonians. As the executive of the agency, I am authorizing the State Police to fulfill the Senate Democrats’ request.

“It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents who they are honor-bound to represent here in this building. They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do.”

Republican representatives pushed back on the governor’s reprimand.

“Protesting cap-and-trade by walking out today represents our constituency and exactly how we should be doing our job,” Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger Jr., of Grants Pass, said in a statement Thursday morning. “We have endured threats of arrest, fines and pulling community project funds from the governor, Senate president and majority leader. We will not stand by and be bullied by the majority party any longer.”


19 Comments on Republican Lawmakers Walk Out on Climate Change Vote, Governor Orders State Police to Round Them Up

  1. The biased tone of this article is a sad commentary on how far to the left Fox has swung. Oregon now has a democrat super majority, and a rabid, dictatorial lesbian governor. The Cap and trade bill will destroy what little industry Oregon has left, and kill small businesses. And don’t get me started on their gun control proposals. These republicans are heroes, defending the constitution, by preventing a quorum.

  2. One lawmaker, reportedly said (after the governor’s illegal order to OSP) “they better send bachelors, heavily armed”, or words to that effect. Shits about to get real. Remember, this is the same governor responsible for LeVoy Finnicum’s murder.

  3. Any climate change laws voted on by liberals should be referred to as “Chicken Little” legislation… for obvious reasons. The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

  4. When Dem’s walked out on a vote in an upper Midwest state a few years ago, Republicans decried the move. Now, some Repubs are pulling the same stunt. I don’t like it. The bill is as dumb as can be, but don’t run away.

  5. The troopers were overheard afterward talking with each other and said ‘Who?’,,,
    They already had a Moose sodomizing lined up at the end of shift,,,
    Fox covers them so much better,,

  6. “Send bachelors and come heavily armed,” Sen. Brian Boquist, a Republican from Dallas, said late Wednesday as the prospect of a walkout loomed. “I’m not going to be a political prisoner in the state of Oregon. It’s just that simple.”

    “Protesting cap and trade by walking out today represents our constituency and exactly how we should be doing our job,” said Senate Republican Leader Herman Baertschiger, Jr., of Grants Pass.

  7. “It would have been historic for Oregon, historic for the country, and frankly historic for the world,” Brown said.”

    And THAT is one of the biggest draws of Oregon dems….to be among the ‘first’, the resulting effects be damned.

    PHUCK that lesbian bitch!

  8. @Cynic

    Great point, and I also remember the incident of Wisconsin liberals running down to Illinois and hiding out in a motel.

    Let’s not have Republicans do that for any reason. Go back to your stations and fight.

  9. @Tim Buktu and Cynic: Oregon has a super majority of Democrats. The fight is over, the fix is in. There is nothing left to do but block the vote by denying the Dems a quorum. The rural areas of Oregon are being destroyed by the Portland/Salem/Eugene Democrats. This is what Californication looks like. And the cancer is spreading.

  10. If a GOP Governor did the same thing, the press would fete the lawmakers as Heroes of The Resistance, and portray the Gov as an Authoritarian Worse than Trump.

  11. Another beautiful state can be taken out of the oven. It’s done.

    So CA has infected and pretty much ruined, OR, WA, NV and CO. It’s like someone with ebola on a bus, bleeding from every orifice and coughing pus all over us.

    You’ve got CA on the left coast, IL in the middle, NM down here to infect w Texas and a slew of REgressive bastards in New England. Like some alien virus, they’re trying hook up by sending out 100s of 1,000s of seemingly normal people into the sane parts of the country.

    Throw in the flood of millions of low IQ/low skill illegal aliens and we’re facing an unstoppable demographic change. Look at the next 2 or possibly 6 years as a chance to either put up the concertina(so to speak) or beat feet.

    I’m to old to beat feet.

  12. Democrats willing to use deadly force against their opposition to get their way.

    Nothing should be surprising about that, we see it every day on the streets and now see it n the legislature as well.

    Fort Sumpter in 1861 is about to repeat itself maybe. The country seems ripe for it.


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