Republican-Led Congress Oversees Large-Scale Importation of Somali Migrants – IOTW Report

Republican-Led Congress Oversees Large-Scale Importation of Somali Migrants


The Somali refugee responsible for attacking young Americans at Ohio State University was deliberately imported into the country by the nation’s federal immigration policy–yet the scale and impact of immigration from undeveloped, foreign cultures is still a surprise to some politicians.

Since 2001, the United States has permanently resettled nearly 100,000 migrants from Somalia–a nation where the prevalence rate of Female Genital Mutilation for women and girls ages 15 to 49 is 98 percent, and where homosexuality can be punishable by death. In a single year, a Republican-led Congress funded visas for nearly 300,000 (temporary and permanent) Muslim migrants, which is a population that is nearly twice the size of the entire population of Dayton, Ohio.  

The federal government invited Abdul Razak Ali Artan, 18, into the United States as a refugee, according to reports. Artan reportedly came to the U.S. in 2014, and his refugee status allowed him to fill a coveted slot at Ohio State University. It also allowed him to obtain federal benefits, and eventually would have given him quick access to citizenship, the voting booth, and the ability to bring over foreign relatives through chain migration.

Yet some Republican lawmakers seem unaware of the social and cultural impact that large-scale Muslim migration has had in their own backyards.

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10 Comments on Republican-Led Congress Oversees Large-Scale Importation of Somali Migrants

  1. If only the Republican-led congress had the same fiscal common sense as police officer Alan Horujko we wouldn’t be trillions in debt. Here is a man that spent pennies in lead and saved the US taxpayers millions.

  2. “Yet some Republican lawmakers seem unaware of the social and cultural impact that large-scale Muslim migration has had in their own backyards.’

    BULLSHIT! These asshats know exactly what’s going on. They just don’t care, because their backyard is fenced and patrolled by heavily armed guards.

  3. Paul Ryan (et al) does not care about the impact because he lives either in DC or behind a big wall at his compound in WI. The Somali population is not interested in participating in American culture – they just want the benefits of citizenship. They don’t want to assimilate, they want to live under Sharia law. They don’t want to accept American values or let them define their lives. That is really the fundamental issue that never gets discussed. It isn’t some little cultural differences – Islam is a full system of governance that is violent, represses women and gays and doesn’t mesh with American value no matter how loudly Obama claims the US was influenced by Muslims.

  4. The only influence islam had on the US was in the creation and build up of the US Navy to fight them off. obama IS a moslem and part of their schtick is taking credit for other people’s historic achievements and trying to thieve their wealth rather than working and creating their own.

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