Republican Men More Likely Than Democratic Men to Feel Very Masculine – IOTW Report

Republican Men More Likely Than Democratic Men to Feel Very Masculine

A different kind of identity politics.

The Survey Center on American Life has a new survey, “The Growing Gender Divide in American Life”.

-Republican men are far more likely than Democratic men to identify as traditionally masculine. A majority (54 percent) of Republican men say they are very manly or masculine, compared to one-third (33 percent) of Democratic men. Notably, women across the political spectrum are roughly as likely to identify as feminine. Roughly four in 10 Democratic women (42 percent) and Republican women (39 percent) say they are traditionally feminine.

There’s a moral to that story which is that at least adult women, unlike teenage girls, handle the political paradoxes of gender better. 

And, unsurprisingly, conservatives are more likely to value traditional manly virtues than the party fighting for the rights of men to use the ladies’ room. MORE

32 Comments on Republican Men More Likely Than Democratic Men to Feel Very Masculine

  1. “Republican Men More Likely Than Democratic Men to Feel Very Masculine ”

    That’s probably only because Republican men tend to be actually men, and not lunatics.

  2. There’s nothing wrong with being a MAN, and there is nothing wrong with being WHITE, and if your IQ is higher than your shoe size, LGBTQ…Feminist, Leftist, Anti Normal, Toxic Masculinity Feces has not effect on you.

  3. I don’t know. There are lots of things lowering the T count of all of us “men” our here (estrogen mimickers in the H2O). I believe there are NWO forces trying to kill us men folk off in any way possible, but you know; without anyone of us knowing. But we do “know”, so why don’t we just kill all these fucking commie, Marxist, scum sucking globalist posers now? Hoorah!

  4. “Growing Gender Divide in American Life”

    There’s no divide in gender. There’s only 2 genders, male or female. Genesis 1:27: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

    Case closed. If one wants to continue living as a homosexual, there’s plenty of Bible verses that addresses that as well. Regardless if you’re a gay male or female, God has a plan for you.

    Furthermore, it matters not if you’re a Republican or Democrat, it’s how you choose to live your life and your belief and trust in God. From what I have read in the Bible about God, I believe God is a conservative. JMHO Oh and there is a difference between a conservative and a Republican.

  5. I feel bad for the women in our country: they’ve been sold a bill of goods by fat, ugly feminists who want company for their misery. Now, even good looking women have are out of the marriage market. Their revenge? – Artificial insemination and then putting dresses on their young sons, or men’s clothing on their daughters (if they don’t abort them first).

  6. dedicated to Burr, the feeling-fucking proud cro-mag

    “Feelings, nothing more than feelings
    Trying to forget my feelings of mutual respect
    Teardrops rolling down on my butter face
    Trying to forget my feelings of mutual respect

    Feelings, for all my life I’ll feel it
    I wish I’ve never met you, non-binary pronoun-addled entity
    You cut your man-bits off, You’ll never come again

    Feelings, whoa, oh, oh, feelings
    Whoa, oh, oh, feel it again in my noodle arms

    Feelings, feelings like I’ve never tossed you
    And feelings like I’ve never have you again in my feelings

    Feelings, for all my life I’ll feel it
    Even though I chopped it
    I wish I’ve never met you, non-binary pronoun-addled entity
    You cut your man-bits off, You’ll never come again

    Feelings, feelings like I’ve never tossed you
    And feelings like I’ll never have you again in my mangina

    Feelings, whoa, oh, oh, feelings
    It’s all that matters,
    whether you’re the fielder or the batter
    Whoa, oh, oh, feel it again in my arms
    Feelings, whoa, oh, oh, feelings
    Whoa, oh, oh, feel it
    Whoa, oh, again”

    … & I only mean this in a now with no gluten, non-noodled-non-octal, semi-actual or non-sexual faux-transgendered aardvarkian, bi-valved, partially-hydrogenated, non-quantifiable feeling way

  7. Men think, and then know.

    Feelings are for chilren’ and wymens who allow these nuero chemical impulses to dictate their behavior.

    Feelings created the NAZis. Thinking created the fuggin’ atom bomb.


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