Republican Primary Results – IOTW Report

Republican Primary Results


RUBIO DROPS OUT OF RACE (Tells Rubio Supporters To Rally Around Cruz) ((Could a Cruz/Rubio Ticket Be The Future?))

Rubio Congratulates Trump. Crowd Boos. Rubio Tells Them To Stop. Rubio Says He Didn’t Accurately Calculate The Amount of Public Anger. He Admits The TEA Party Candidates, With A Majority, Got Nothing Accomplished.

With 98% of the precincts reporting:

Donald Trump with 45.5%

Rubio is 2nd with 27.2%

Cruz is 3rd with 17%

Kasich is 4th with 6.7%



90% reporting:

Kasich – 44%

Trump – 36%

Cruz- 14%

Rubio – 8%



82% Reporting

Trump 38.9%

Cruz 30.5%

Kasich 19.7%

Rubio 8%



88% reporting:

Trump – 40%

Cruz – 36%

Kasich – 12.5%

Rubio – 11%



99% Reporting

Trump 41%

Cruz 40.7%

Rubio 9.5%

Kasich 5.9%




98 Comments on Republican Primary Results

  1. In Tallahassee, we have a new system.
    They scan your Florida Driver License, which shows eligibility and tells poll workers which ballot (republican or democrat). After marking the oval and placing the ballot, it shows it as a counted vote.
    No complaints about having to show driver license.

  2. Rubio’s “I lost Florida” speech is a bit rambling and he talks like he didn’t vote for the Gang of 8…odd reference that conservatives let down the tea party as much as the establishment….I dunno.

  3. Still, back in 2010, I voted for Rubio for Senator. It kept us from flip flop Charlie Crist, and pissed off his employer, John “For the People” Morgan.
    I also thought we were at least cancelling out Bill Nelson votes, but apparently, a Little Marco hasn’t even been doing that lately.

  4. interesting things going on in Ohio …. Limbaugh said today that if Kasich wins Ohio it’s going to be tough for Trump to amass enough delegates to avoid a brokered convention

    ….he also predicted that if the convention was brokered, the ‘establishment’ will do enough arm twisting to nominate….


    wait for it……

    wait for it……


  5. Molon — I think Rush is trawling to replace listeners he lost last month. Too many have said/written that there is not going to be a brokered convention. The Establishment would never weather that, they’re teetering now as it is. Just look at what they’ve thrown at Trump to-date. Even in Florida, where they spent a boatload of money — as well as NC, etc. — in really negative ads. It’s going to be hard, with these losses, to keep going back to their donors. Donors don’t like to back a loser. They just lost their shirts on Rubio.

  6. In my part of northeast Ohio we had a power outage that lasted over 3 hours this morning. I do not know if the polling places were out or not. By the time I got there early afternoon it was jammed and there was no time to ask. There was no reason I know of for both the electric and phones (Frontier) to be out.
    The township has about 2,000 registered voters. I’ve never had to wait in line until today. I didn’t hear anyone asking for a Demorat ballot only Republican. The hicks were out today for sure.

    I expect the polling places in some places have generator backup but I am not sure about others in churches. Will have to look at our election laws and see if that is a requirement of polling.
    There were signs up stating they had paper ballots available so perhaps that’s the option during a power outage.

    Anyone else in NE Ohio with electrical outages this morning?

  7. Wanted to vote for Trump badly. Snickered when my ballot was approved democrat and left with a grin after voting for Bernie. If all the excess votes for Trump went to Bernie, Hellary wouldn’t have a chance.

  8. What the heck is this nonsense with Ohio and Kasich. He’d have to win 112% — as Eric Trump tweeted out earlier tonight — of the remaining delegates. Obviously not doable. And Kasich isn’t on some state ballots.

  9. “A Republican National Committee Standing Rules Committee member told the membership Friday that convention delegates are not bound to cast their votes at the convention according to primary vote results in the first round of voting.

    Curly Haugland of North Dakota, a long time member of the RNC Standing Rules Committee, sent a letter to the RNC membership at large about this issue. He explained how he came to the conclusion that all Republican delegates who participate in the 2016 Republican National Convention are unbound on each ballot round, including the first.”

    Apparently no one disagreed with his analysis, If they pull this crap the events of Chicago, last week, might be remembered as the new shot heard round the world. They won’t, however, be remebered as large in terms of violence and numbers, compared to what could come,

  10. In my part of northeast Ohio we had a power outage that lasted over 3 hours this morning. I do not know if the polling places were out or not. By the time I got there early afternoon it was jammed and there was no time to ask. There was no reason I know of for both the electric and phones (Frontier) to be out.
    The township has about 2,000 registered voters. I’ve never had to wait in line until today. I didn’t hear anyone asking for a Demorat ballot only Republican. The hicks were out today for sure.

    I expect the polling places in some places have generator backup but I am not sure about others in churches. Will have to look at our election laws and see if that is a requirement of polling.
    There were signs up stating they had paper ballots available so perhaps that’s the option during a power outage.

    Anyone else in NE Ohio with electrical outages this morning?

    Happy Buzzard Day to all. I don’t know what time the flock officially arrived. The scouts have been here a week.

  11. Lol, Marco’s resignation.

    He quit when he first showed up, then confirmed it about 8 paragraphs before he finally said his campaign was suspended.

    10% of the people in the room were shocked when he finally said the word suspended. How fcuking dumb can you be?

  12. I was so happy voting today. For the first time in my life I was required to have a photo ID! Thank You North Carolina!

    Ironically, I have Obama to thank for that. In 2012, my state elected a republican house, a republican senate and a republican governor all at the same time, and for the first time, since the 1800’s!

    Having a president that sucks does have its upsides.

    Thanks Barry!

  13. so, Cruz & Kasich drop out of Florida to give Little Ricky Robato a chance

    & Cruz & Little Ricky drop out of Ohio to help Kasich

    …wtf?…they all can’t be Jeb!’s vp pick

  14. I don’t even bother watching the bobble-heads on fox or cnn or any of the other alphabet ‘news’ programs …. what’s the point?

    they’re all in for the One-Worlders … & it’s getting nearer every day

  15. Oh great now Cruz is on taking like a bad narrator on a Disney movie. Not once, not twice, but three times. Fucking attorneys. I hate them. This guy should have played some sports so he could realize when his ass has been kicked. This guys a weak sister.

  16. Stuck it out with Fox Business tonight. Who is that Charlie guy that sounds like a girl on there? So funny to watch Dobbs talk to him as though Charlie is a ESL. Then they have Hizzoner the mayor from some place in Texas telling us how Kasich could get the nomination. Are they all on drugs?

    Just hanging out waiting for the MO race to click over. What’s taking so long? Are they madly filling in more ballots?

    Also: Just read at Gateway that the “protesters” at Rubio’s speech tonight were Clinton plants dressed up as Trump supporters. Just so you know.

  17. RCP shows about 20K people who voted for people who have dropped out of the race, including the early candidates like Fiorina. Nearly 3K votes “uncommitted” — WHY???

  18. North Carolina did a great job. Trump won the primary and Cruz came in a very close second. The only thing we have to worry about now is Roy Cooper, a rabid leftist Democrat becoming governor. Hope the we can keep the Republican majority in NC legislation to rein in Cooper if he wins.
    BTW, Ditto Mederman (9:59pm comment)

  19. I’m not saying fraud, but this is interesting:

    “UPDATE: Romney’s Bain Capital connections played a dirty hand in this fraud. A company named HIG Capital owns Hart Intercivic, a vote programming system company which is being used in Ohio… and the owner (and 8 managers) of HIG Capital are all prior Bain employees. You know, Bain Capital, where Romney was CEO? Yeah. That Bain. Hart Intercivic is also used in Oregon, Idaho and Texas (particularly Harris County which went to Cruz… and interspersed in other states as well to suppress Trump’s numbers; keep an eye on what happens in Orange County CA).” Tuesday, March 15, 2016

  20. 13 candidates names on the R ballot in Florida. Including Huckabee, Santorum, even Gilmore. Surreal.

    Voter ID required. Paper ballots. But once paper ballot is scanned by machine, there’s no proof or confirmation that it accurately registered for YOUR candidate selection.
    Still plenty of room for fraud and hanky panky.

  21. When candidates start showing their true colors of just who and what they are, they will drop out of the race. I just heard that $35 million was spent in negative ads for Trump in Florida and of that, $15 million just in this past week. So, negative ads won’t work against Trump. All that money could have been spent on cancer research. I just lost another friend to breast cancer. I’m sick of this election stuff. There will be no Cruz/Rubio ticket for sure.

  22. Speaking of showing true colors.
    Trump is threatening violence and riots if the nomination doesn’t get handed to him, even if he doesn’t win it.
    He has run the numbers, and has good reason to suspect he won’t get enough to put him over the top.
    That is your ‘uniter’.

  23. As of 11:30am Wednesday, Trump is ahead of Cruz
    by 646 to 397…A LEAD OF 249.

    There are only about 35 un-determined so far in Illinois, 37 in Missouri, and 3 in North Carolina.

    Of those 75, let’s just say for sake of discussion
    it’s 50% / 50% Trump and Cruz.

    That would bring the totals to 683 for Trump
    and 435 for Cruz.

    Trump would need about 53% of remaining delegates, to get to the current 1,237 threshhold, while Cruz would need 76%!!!
    Cruz is nothing more than a SPOILER for the GOP Establishment at this point.

  24. Aggie; the news is covering it wall to wall.
    Trump said there will be riots if he is not handed the nomination, whether he wins it or not.
    The video of him saying it is all over the web.
    You guys can put your fingers in your ears and yell lalalalalala all day long and it won’t change what the guy you are backing is.
    As to the riots, what are the trumpshirts going to do?
    Drag Rubio an Cruz supporters out of their houses and beat them?
    I can’t see Trump convincing even liberal Republicans into burning down businesses and attacking police officers.

  25. BB; listen to what the man said. He said he should get it, even if he doesn’t win it, or their will be riots.
    Don’t blame me for what your guy says, I didn’t put the words in his mouth.

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