Republican Reps. Buck NRA, Introduce Gun Control for Bump Stocks – IOTW Report

Republican Reps. Buck NRA, Introduce Gun Control for Bump Stocks

Breitbart: On Tuesday Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Dave Trott (D-MI) bucked NRA opposition and introduced gun control for bump stocks.

Fitzgerald put out a press release announcing the gun control and even adopted gun controllers’ linguistic phraseology of a bump stock “loophole” to push the new gun laws.

Moreover, the gun control legislation is titled Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act.

The press release explains that the gun control has a total of four sponsors: two Republicans and two Democrats. The Democrats are Reps. Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Dina Titus (D-NV). The new gun control “would allow the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to immediately regulate bump stocks and functionally equivalent devices that substantially increase the rate of fire of a firearm in the same way it regulates machine guns and suppressors. The registration process for anyone in possession of or purchasing bump stock devices would include a rigorous background check, fingerprinting and a $200 registration fee.”

In other words, just as voters are on the verge of securing the elimination of a $200 federal tax for suppressors via the Hearing Protection Act, Fitzpatrick, Trott, and their Democratic colleagues are trying to place federal taxes on other firearm accessories.

But the greatest danger from Fitzpatrick and Trott’s gun control is its insidious nature. After all, it already covers more than bump stocks inasmuch as it covers “bump stocks and functionally equivalent devices.”  more here

13 Comments on Republican Reps. Buck NRA, Introduce Gun Control for Bump Stocks

  1. I’ll be watching Representative Steve Scalise, republican from Louisiana, and how this house majority whip votes on the issues. It should be said that under the Obama Administration FFA licensing requirements for fully automatic weapons was circumvented by this bump stock business. I know of a lad locally who has a burn full of Thompsons. The feds can come in at any time unannounced and inspect all his tags, all his licensing, all of his weapons. Not sure if anybody will ever get to the bottom of the guns going to Mexico, again, via our last administration.

  2. They gonna outlaw belt loops, too?
    A guy back at work got the same effect with his belt loop.
    No shit. At least, that’s what he claimed.
    Maybe some of the more gun-savvy can elucidate.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Yes they’ll need to outlaw belt loops too, I’ve bump fired off a belt loop.

    In related news, it was DEMOCRATS that killed the bump stock ban legislation in Illinois. Not your typical Chicongo democunts, it was the down state variety.

  4. Be it resolved that all motor vehicles larger than a Prius shell be equipped with a device that will functionally pick-up and gently set to the side of the road any horse, dog, cat, bird, other animal, any child or adult, bicycle, school bus, or similar when operated at any speed. If such device is no available then said vehicles shell alternatively be equipped with retro-rockets capable of stopping said vehicle at any capable speed within a distance of 2 English feet.

  5. in the last two preezy election cycles, does only the left have the know how to recall Scott Walker plus 2 DemonRats in Colorado but those on the right just wait for the next election
    RECALL the traitors

  6. “…bucked NRA opposition…” ?!?

    I seem to remember that, a nanosecond after the Las Vegas shooting, the NRA very publicly stated regulations over bump stocks should be looked into.

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