“Republican” says he’s voting democrat in “this” election – IOTW Report

“Republican” says he’s voting democrat in “this” election

Bad shill… laughable shill…

I would be more convincing saying that I’ve been a lifelong Asian.

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on “Republican” says he’s voting democrat in “this” election

  1. Thanks to Dominion, a lot of Republicans may be switched to “Sudden Democrats” in the runoff. Thankfully have thousands of volunteer Republican observers this time though. Stop the Steal, Glitch the Switch. Whoops, time to go cast our four votes each for Loeffler and Perdue!

  2. Anyone that says “diversity” is an issue for them has never ever ever ever, not for one nano second of his life, ever been a Republican. Sorry, you could have ,”I’m with her” tattooed on your forehead and it would not be a bigger tell than that crap word.

  3. “Thanks to Dominion, a lot of Republicans may be switched to “Sudden Democrats” in the runoff. ”

    There has been so much exposure of fraudulent voting the I’m sure the Republicans will be watching things so closely it will not be possible this time.

    If they aren’t then they are just plain stupid and don’t deserve to win. They should have known and been prepared to do this last November but they weren’t but there is no excuse this time.

  4. Oh, he’s gay…at 29 secs. when he puts his hand to his chest, screams gay – especially given the two rings on his hand.

    Agree with MJA – don’t care if he’s gay but do care that he’s obviously lying.

  5. joe6pak

    Let’s hope they’re cheating their asses off again. You can bet they are being watched in ways they never dreamed of.
    The country will go broke though feeding the Abrams sisters though if they end up incarcerated.

  6. I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever heard a Republican say they were motivated to vote because they want more government enforcing “diversity issues” and raising taxes.

    Sure thing, Shirley. Go back to your gentrified condo and catch up on your Bravo TV. The only drag race he’s ever been to had RuPaul in it.

  7. Whenever anyone starts off ‘I’ve been a lifelong Republican’ you can bet it is staged BS. For the record, the lifelong term belongs to the democrats. They expect you to be lifelong members that never leave their reservation and in fact not being actually alive doesn’t end your affiliation. You can continue your democrat lifelong affiliation well into the next century.

  8. I’ve never understood the purpose of these “change sides” videos to begin with, are they provided so that I will re-examine my core beliefs and just maybe follow suit? Assuming he is a Republican, he clearly does not hold the values of a Republican. His defection only reveals his lack of conviction, his ignorance of conservative values and why they are so essential for a free society.

  9. The guy is wearing a mask because we know he’s lying behind that mask. A Republican wouldn’t be caught dead saying they’re voting Democrat. We know whose a Republican and who isn’t….at least I know.


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