The italics are mine, to emphasize particular idiocy in this feeb’s rant. — bfh.

Every day, I run into Republican friends who can’t stomach a vote for Donald J. Trump but don’t know what to do. Vote for Hillary Clinton, who has trouble with the truth, wants to raise taxes and opposes free trade with Asia? Vote for the Libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson, an outlier who once ran a marijuana business and embraces isolationism? Or not vote at all, maintaining a certain purity but allowing others to decide the next president?

I faced exactly these choices myself. I have voted for every Republican nominee for president since 1980, but I will not this time. Mr. Trump’s appalling temperament renders him unfit to be president, and his grotesque policy formulations mock the principles of liberty and respect for the individual that have been the foundation of the Republican Party since Abraham Lincoln.

Even before Mr. Trump entered the race, I saw this coming. I worked to open a pathway for an independent — a solid third candidate who would attract the votes of the roughly two-thirds of Americans in the center. A serious contender would force the two major-party candidates to compete for votes in the middle, rather than appealing to the wings. I spent a year and a half on the project, but a month ago threw in the towel.

The deck is stacked by the parties against anyone but a Republican or Democrat. An independent has to run an expensive gantlet to gather enough signatures to get on the ballot in all the states, suffers a severe disadvantage in fund-raising, and is effectively barred from the fall presidential debates by a commission loaded with party stalwarts.

Through much trial and error, I learned that this is, whether we like it or not, an election between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton, period. And that means that if you want to stop Mr. Trump, you have no choice but to vote for Mrs. Clinton. There’s no sitting this one out.

It’s a matter of simple math. Consider a swing state like Ohio. Assume, for argument’s sake, that there are 3.1 million Trump voters, 3 million Clinton voters and 200,000 voters like me who will never vote for Mr. Trump but have reservations about Mrs. Clinton. If this last group doesn’t vote — or votes for Mr. Johnson, or another third-party candidate — then Mr. Trump wins the state. If the group votes for Mrs. Clinton, then Mr. Trump loses. A vote for Mrs. Clinton neutralizes a vote for Mr. Trump; an abstention allows that Trump vote to stand.

For this reason, I strongly disagree with my fellow Republicans — many of whom I served with in the George W. Bush administration — who say that they won’t vote for Mr. Trump because he’s a threat to the republic, but won’t vote for Mrs. Clinton either because she’ll raise taxes. Neither is appealing, but one is clearly a worse choice than the other.

Last month, 50 former officials from G.O.P. administrations issued a scathing indictment of Mr. Trump, saying he would be the “most reckless president in American history.” Yet only a few of these Republicans have so far said they will vote for Mrs. Clinton.

I have some sympathy with this position, but it is a cop-out. If you think Mr. Trump is so lacking in experience and judgment that he shouldn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger, then you are saying he is not just a bad candidate; you are saying he is a threat to the nation. You have an obligation to defeat him, no matter what you think of Mrs. Clinton.

I’m voting for Mrs. Clinton because, despite her deficiencies, she will make a better president. But I have another reason. Defeating Mr. Trump soundly will help save the Republican Party. If he wins, a party built on freedom and internationalism will become entrenched as a party of authoritarianism and isolation, which means that within a few years it will atrophy and die.

This year, Republican Senate candidates who should be winning are instead in deep jeopardy. I’ll be working to elect these candidates, and after Mr. Trump loses, I’ll work to rebuild the party in hopes of running a strong and sensible nominee against Mrs. Clinton in 2020.

Unfortunately, the Trump campaign has already cost the Republican Party its credibility. Out of some twisted notion of loyalty, party leaders previously seen as devoted to conservative ideals and policy are now viewed widely as unprincipled cynics. And they deserve to be. How do you recover from that?

For a Republican to vote for a Democrat — and publicly declare it — involves a cost. You can lose business, or lose friends. You won’t get a job in a Clinton administration, and certainly not in a Trump administration.

But if you really think that Mr. Trump is a threat to your country, the right thing to do is to take the next step. Don’t just say you won’t vote for him. Vote against him. – James K. Glassman

ht/ eugenia

34 Comments on Republican Says VOTE FOR HILLARY IN ORDER TO SAVE THE GOP!!!

  1. Sorry, I meant the guy is too smart for us. He wants to save the republican party. He’s a “Mc-man”. He votes for McCain and McConnell. That’s his republican party.

  2. Anyone who can vote for the Hildabeast or advocate some do so shares in her vileness. It’s like saying vote for Adolf Hitler because Winston Churchill is too outspoken.

    This scum will hand over the SCOTUS and empower an incompetent and utterly corrupt POS to destroy us so we can be saved later, supposedly. No, there won’t be any coming back in 2020 after illegal immigrants get to vote, gun rights are gutted, the economy is further damaged, and our military and political influence is damaged even more.

    No, this turd wants the old guard Republicans to stay in power, even if it costs us the country.

    I pray that Trump does win and shakes everything up to restore it. How can deporting ILLEGAL aliens, halting immigration of muslim terrorists, standing up to Iran, protecting our Constitution and especially the Second Amendment hurt us?

  3. It becomes more and more clear EXACTLY why congress has a rating BELOW anyone.

    These are the morons who created the Trump Tsunami and the Tea Party.

    These are the morons who get elected on promises to REPRESENT their constituents and then completely allow Obama to use the Constitution as toilet paper.

    These are the a$$holes who won’t impeach the rogue, president, but turn their back on the suffering of America.

    These are the morons who have allowed the departments of EVERYTHING government, commit crimes and get away with it, including the IRS, DOJ, DHS, EPA, DOE, FBI, and on and on. And allow ‘witness after witness’ thumb their nose at ethics and law.

    The picture is clear: “We, the elected, just don’t give a damn about the peons to whom we are supposed to be LISTENING, because we just do not care!!!”

    They harbor the riff-raff of American greed and corruption, and are afraid that Trump isn’t corrupt enough to allow them the security to continue living the life of the elitist in the Elysium of DC.

    They would like us puny, insignificant pawns, the leave them alone. We have to live in the third world atmosphere they have allowed OBAMA to create by allowing thugs escape our laws, massive unvetted hordes of immigrants to invade, break more and more laws as he launders money with illegal cash payments, and on and on.

    Congress has joined the progressive movement to gang rape America.

    I sure wish these bastards would have their terms limited by their constituents.

  4. “Every day, I run into Republican friends who can’t stomach a vote for Donald J. Trump but don’t know what to do.”

    He’s got to get a new group of friends. Problem sol-ved.

    (That or, I suspect, he’s making the whole thing up.)

  5. So Barky now wants DHS to hijack the election so Cankles can start a nuclear war with Russia? She has nothing to lose since she is dying anyway, and Barky will be in the tunnels under the country for the rest of his mole rotten life. If homey secureless tries this, its time for revolution and start with them. Barky is pissed off that China humiliated his poufiness in front of the whole world. He found out his brilliant mind (sarc/off) is despised by Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. The G9 summit has a new set of leading countries, and the USA isn’t a part of it. Way to go Hussein!

    Susan Rice trying to go bull dyke on the Chinese at the airport didn’t help. Too bad the SS didn’t just get back on the plane, close it up, take off, and leave Barky, Moochie, and Rice there in an ooopsy moment. They earned it.

  6. The only “good” thing about such an idiotic rant is that it actually *nudges* the reader to finally decide – one way or the other – whom to vote for…Trump or Clinton.

    It reasons out the “vote against the worse one” argument for readers who are undecided (albeit, given his “garbage in garbage out” hand-wringing, with the wrorg conclusion) pretty clearly.

    Still wanna punch his face.

  7. “…he shouldn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger,…”

    Pure, base fear mongering. The last refuge of a weak argument that exposes the speaker has nothing.

    Tell the truth.

    “We here in the entrenched political enclave are scared shitless of Trump. If that bastard gets elected he may well turn a reorganized FBI lose on us and hundreds of us will go to jail for what we’ve been up to for over fifty years.”

  8. “……despite her deficiencies, she will make a better president.”

    Hey, Bub, I’m voting for Trump because HER deficiencies are even worse than YOUR deficiencies. Were you the test baby in some sick study to how retarded a baby can get?

    Where do you get that you can “rebuild” the party for 2020? If Hitlery’s elected, there won’t be anything left to rebuild.

  9. This man is a legend in his own mind. Such awesome awesomeness should be rewarded. If enough stupid and suicidal republicans follow his advice and get Hillary elected I think a reward is in order. He should be given a job with the new administration. And not just any job. One that is suited to someone of his obvious mental capacities and his uncanny vision of what the future will look like. He should be an ambassador. For Libya. And since he is so concerned about saving America, he will undoubtedly like all the money that Hillary will save on unneeded security for such a peaceful and quiet vocation. He would most assuredly deserve it for all of the blessings that him and his fellow republican establishment types have secured for this country.

    MSG Grumpy
    PS – establishment surrender monkeys should learn how to suck start shotguns.

  10. This utter bullshit is precisely the cancer that is eating it’s way through the local tea party. This is a mental disorder. This is blatant corruption, co-option and deception.

    These people are NOT to be trusted in any way and are candidates for YET ANOTHER purge of the Republican party.

    It’s like flushing a radiator. You gotta keep running the hose through it even after the majority of the crap pours out, or it will contaminate the new stuff. These guys are the hunks at the bottom that take a while to remove.

    The original rant:

    Any conservative who insists on writing in a candidate, or voting for a 3rd party candidate, or not voting at all because “their guy” didn’t get nominated, or because they don’t like the guy who did, is certifiably insane. That is because you are doing the same stupid thing over and over again expecting different results.

    Any republican is better than any democrat. They can nominate Romney again, or Mitch McConnel, or John Boehner. I do not care one bit WHO is nominated. 

    This is war.

    The leftists pick an electable candidate. Any breathing democrat who they think can steal enough votes to get elected will get the nomination.

    They will then talk that person up. They will not EVER say one single solitary thing bad about that nominee. They will say that nominees poop does not stink. 

    They will then proceed to VOTE for that nominee at LEAST once and also drag everyone they can to the polls to vote for the nominee.

    Why? Because they actually understand that this is a war.

    The stupid conservatives are the ones who DONT understand that fact.

    If you are in a war and don’t understand that you ARE in a war you are going to LOSE every time.

    Vote for who you want to in the primary. DONATE to your favorite guy. PRAY that a good candidate gets nominated.

    BUT – once the primaries are over and there is a LEFTIST candidate and a NON-LEFTIST candidate – 

    You only have two choices, and you had BETTER vote for the non-leftist.

    Otherwise you are a sucker, a fool, and a drooling moron.

    The drooling morons who DID NOT go and vote for Romney just because he had a few things about him they didn’t like handed this country over to 0bama for 4 more years.

    I HOPE those same people are not that stupid again.

  11. That’s best thing about this year. The RINO traitors have been exposed. We now know as fact what we’ve always suspected. That they are in the pockets of the democrats. And that they have more loyalty to the democrats than they do to their own party or the country. Vote them all out!

  12. When the DemocRATs savaged Bush he simply turned the other butt cheek and said stick it in again! When Trump told some truth about Bush he sent out all his rabid buttboys to make war on Trump!

  13. “When I see what modern politicians have become, I long for someone without ‘experience’”


    And not sensible too

    ‘This year, Republican Senate candidates who should be winning are instead in deep jeopardy. I’ll be working to elect these candidates, and after Mr. Trump loses, I’ll work to rebuild the party in hopes of running a strong and SENSIBLE NOMINEE against Mrs. Clinton in 2020.”

  14. He’s worried about Trump’s temperament?
    Oh I see, he wants a little bitch like GW who didn’t fight the Left and came up with “islam is the religion of piece”, medicare part D, fucked with health insurance, destroyed Capitalism to “save it”, and never enforced the borders? That kind of temperament?

    Well don’t worry about saving the Republican party because assholes like you merged it with the Democrat party and you can’t tell the difference.

    Kiss my ass.

    The older Bush clan came out and endorsed Hillary last week. They’ve been best buds for years, ya know.
    They can kiss my ass too.

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