Republican Trump Critics Booed Loudly in Florida – IOTW Report

Republican Trump Critics Booed Loudly in Florida


Support for Donald Trump drowned out his Republican opponents at Florida’s GOP gathering on Saturday. Asa Hutchinson was booed and jeered when he said in his speech that there’s a good chance Trump will be convicted in the trials he’s facing, and he called the former president’s behavior “destructive,” the Washington Post reports. “Go home!” somebody in the audience shouted. Trump critic Chris Christie was booed before he reached the microphone. He took his loud critics on, per the Hill, telling them catcalls won’t solve the nation’s problems.

The former New Jersey governor, who was trying to advise attendees not to nominate Trump, said they were free to reject his arguments once he’s been allowed to present them. “Your anger against the truth is reprehensible,” Christie said, later adding, “You fear the truth.” The crowd gave home-state Sen. Rick Scott, on the other hand, loud cheers when he reminded them he just endorsed Trump. He did not mention another Trump opponent—Gov. Ron DeSantis, who told the crowd later Saturday that “Florida has shown the way forward for the Republican Party.” One Lake County Republican leader in the crowd agreed, to a point, saying he likes DeSantis as governor. But any Republican running against Trump “should be ashamed of themselves,” Chuck Benoit said.

A Republican strategist said DeSantis’ selling point is his record as governor, per the AP. So when Florida Republican leaders choose Trump, who was scheduled to speak Saturday night, that’s a problem for DeSantis.


17 Comments on Republican Trump Critics Booed Loudly in Florida

  1. “…”Your anger against the truth is reprehensible,” Christie said, later adding, “You fear the truth.”…”

    Fatty, fat fatso, your denial of the truth is reprehensible. In the words of Jack Nicholson: “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!”

  2. All DeSantis had to do is continue to focus on Florida and keep his head down and his mouth shut on a national level and the ambitious bastard could have slipped right into front runner in 2028. Pride and arrogance and stupidly trusting in promises of the Republican establishment and totally underestimating the obvious and palpable distaste that real Americans have developed for shit sandwiches they serve up brought him to where he is today. He’s now associated with the big fat tub of shit that the GOPe has assigned to ride in and save the fucker.

  3. JDHasty – he wasn’t smart enough to figure all that out. Presidents have to be much savvier than he – as Trump has figured out (hopefully!!) regarding his Administration choices.

  4. DeSantis is STILL the insurance policy against having a Niki vs biden* contest if they somehow manage to take out Trump.
    I will never understand how some of the so-called smart folks here can’t quite grasp that concept?
    BTW, with all the crap Trump has been through in his life I would think he’d have thicker skin.
    He acts like a little bitch when it comes to DeSantis.
    Whiny-ass Trump is not a good look…

  5. Trump reminds me of an idiot doing an end-zone dance.
    Act like you’ve been there before.
    You are the former fucking President!
    IF, and that’s a BIG IF, you get BACK in the White House you will NEED support from the Florida Gov, who will STILL be gov until January of 2027


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