Republicans Ask GAO How Many Tax Dollars Go to Planned Parenthood – IOTW Report

Republicans Ask GAO How Many Tax Dollars Go to Planned Parenthood

Epoch Times;

WASHINGTON—A huge group of Republicans in the Senate and House of Representatives joined Friday in signing a letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro asking he update a 2018 study by the General Accounting Office (GAO) he heads that found Planned Parenthood (PP) receives more than $500 million in federal tax money every year.

“Taxpayer funding of abortion must end,” said Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tn.) in a joint statement on the May 10 letter. “A growing majority of Americans agree with this fact.”

Blackburn said public opposition to tax-paid abortions “is the underlying reason we are requesting this report, so that we have verified figures of every taxpayer dollar going to big abortion entities such as Planned Parenthood.”

Rep. Vicki Hartzler (R-Mo.) said, “Planned Parenthood boasts of  performing more than 321,000 abortions a year, while also receiving over half a billion dollars in taxpayer funding.

“American citizens should know exactly how many of their hard-earned tax dollars go to support this organization and the abortion industry at large, which is why an updated report from the GAO will be so valuable.”

The congressional auditing agency reported last year that more than $1.6 billion in federal money went to PP, its international affiliate, and the similar abortion-provider Marie Stopes International during the fiscal years 2013 to 2015.

“National Planned Parenthood affiliates received the majority of this funding, approximately $1.5 billion, or about $500 million annually. Other abortion providers received the remainder of the funds,” according to the joint statement.

In their request, the 121 co-signers of the letter to Dodaro — including 28 GOP senators and 93 Republican representatives — asked GAO to update its data for the three named organizations for the years 2016 to 2018.  more

10 Comments on Republicans Ask GAO How Many Tax Dollars Go to Planned Parenthood

  1. Best to start your vocal exercises now. Don’t want to lose your voice over the next few months, on this one.


    “You lie”

    “Learn to code”

  2. Once again we see the irony and hypocrisy of the Left with the very same people who will call returning soldiers “Baby Killers” being the real baby killers themselves!
    I’m convinced it’s a mental illness!

  3. @TRF…. No it’s not a “mental illness”, that’s a condition that can be cured or at least provided with some kind of remediation.
    No this is EVIL and there is absolutely NO legal cure.

  4. How about the Alyssa Milano’s of the world pony up their money to support PP and leave us alone? Too simple. Commies have to make us accomplices in their sins.

  5. 500 MIL & 22 TRIL IN DEBT…
    While my little towns 70 year old
    sewer/water system literal rots away….
    These filthy politicians on both sides
    have robbed & raped this country and stole us blind.
    What the hell did we get for 22T ??? Your children’s
    children are all ready DEBT SLAVES.

  6. Beside believing that public funding of abortion should be stopped, I can’t figure out how a (supposedly) non-profit organization can be so politically active and make political contributions.

  7. Because GAO does not do predictions of spending or lack of it, it will do no good to ask them this.

    How much would those aborted babies we killed for this amount of money save us over the next 18 years?

    Did we spend more on killing these babies than they would cost us in increases in SNAP, WIC, Social Services for housing, education, clothing, training, incarceration, increased staffing at all the social services outlets that we man to administer these programs for the generationaly dependent class that we have engendered that are making all these babies?

    Because it ain’t the self supporting white people with jobs and careers that are availing them selves of the baby killing services being underwritten by the government now is it? Nope.

    Nobody much wants to talk about this aspect of the baby killing.

    Poor people fuck. Ignorant, criminal tending people of color fuck and procreate at a tremendous rate. Because they don’t care. See also: Africa.

    Pay now, pay waaaay more later. Just don’t ignore the facts. Makes you look stupid.

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