Republicans Being Used in Pro-Hillary Ad – IOTW Report

Republicans Being Used in Pro-Hillary Ad

Way to go, jerks.

28 Comments on Republicans Being Used in Pro-Hillary Ad

  1. They run this ad every ten minutes on Fox News here in NY. The lispy jackass who says Donald “ith not an adult” sounds like a tween girl with an ill fitting retainer. If I were a non-Republican watching this I don’t think I’d be persuaded by the parade of unattractive losers trashing Trump in this ad. And any right leaning person who isn’t afflicted with TDS won’t likely be moved by those asshats either. But having said that, allow me to add: FUCK YOU, #NeverTrumpers, because principles.

  2. The state of Nebraska must be so proud of this hemorrhoidal gay boy. He prides himself on lecturing the Senate, scathing remarks directed to his own party and especially Trump. Loves kicking against the pricks, doesn’t he? I bet those Nebraskans get a tingle up their leg when he struts his stuff. What will he be when Trump wins? The unloyal opposition party no doubt. I do not think he should be expecting any career moves in Senate assignments with his Nancy Pelosi attitude. Maybe he should cross over and sit with his fellow buttboys in the Demonrat side.

  3. Susan Collins has always been painful for me to listen to. I truly believe she is brain damaged by concussion or congenital trait. Not only are her “ideas” nonsensical but her speech patterns are as irritating as poison ivy underwear.

  4. Besides sasse which that comment could have been about anyone isn’t a fucking retarded liberal? These are the people we should all hate. Every one of these people minus sasse are the reason we need term limits, they have voted for more liberal bills than most of the fucking democrats. Especially fuck mitt Romney who couldn’t beat a pile of wet dog shit.

  5. Whatever Sasse boy hoped to accomplish by this stunt has backfired in megaton levels. It would be the same yield as striking a match on Shrillary’s jet after her burrito and refried beans feast, when the a/c shuts down because of poison gas sensors. Worse than the video of her farting during the prezzy runoff debates with the other dhimmos. What a poker face she showed. And when the dude next to her turned and stared as if to say “NO YOU DIDN’T” I nearly hit the floor laughing. Timing was perfect. The lights and cameras were on her, as were the microphones. AHHH sweet times!!

  6. Whatever infighting I have with any of you all cruz is a patriot, Levin is a patriot, sasse is a patriot. The rest of these scum trash can burn in hell for lying to everyone about everything. I’m not the biggest advocate of trump but holy shit that thief liar price of trash Hilary Clinton needs to be defeated at all costs.

  7. These ads that the Hildabeast campaign puts out might as well be pro Trump ads the way I see it. The stupid bastards don’t realize that they’re pointing out the positives on Trump. He should endorse the ads just to screw with them!

  8. Trump should run the exact same add, and at the end day “This add has been endorsed by Dinalf Trump.”


    It’s a badge of honor. Probably helped to launch the Trumpocrats.

  9. Like their colleagues across the imaginary aisle, rinos loyalties lie with themselves, their play for pay optics, their corrupted core values, their contracts giving their souls for worldly gain. They are worse than the dimwitted dhimos… RINO apes in mink coats…that’s them.

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