Republican’s Choice To Take Cheney Seat Has Some Baggage – IOTW Report

Republican’s Choice To Take Cheney Seat Has Some Baggage

Daily Mail-

  • Wyoming Republican state senator Anthony Bouchard had a child with a 14-year-old girl and married her once she turned 15, can reveal 
  • Bouchard married Frances Lynn Webb in September 1984 in Jacksonville, Florida
  • Bouchard had just turned 19 when he married Webb – she had turned 15 three months earlier which was just three weeks after delivering their son, Tony
  • The senator has put out a video admitting to it after asked for his comment, blaming the media for the revelations 
  • The child they had, Tony Bouchard, 36, is currently awaiting trial in California on five sex-related felony charges involving a 51-year-old woman 
  • Bouchard has filed his candidacy to replace controversial U.S. Congresswoman Liz Cheney and has already raised $400,000


ht/ illustr8r

29 Comments on Republican’s Choice To Take Cheney Seat Has Some Baggage

  1. Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin when she was only 13 years old, people still bought his music and listened to him sing. What’s the problem? Shoulder shrug.

  2. Gosh. There’s no way that the bad cop half of the good cop/bad cop dynamic in the form of the DeceptiCon Republicant party would offer up such a ripe opportunity, would they?

    Anyone out there still think Todd Akin was a mistake? Anyone? Bueller?

  3. I agree with Brad. I inferred from the headline that he was much older than she at the time when the baby was conceived but they were both teenagers and he took responsibility for the baby and mom. Their now-adult son seems to have some problems though

  4. Yes, Bouchard did set things right and followed God’s plan by marrying the mother of the child he sired. They’re both still responsible for raising an animal. Although they aren’t responsible for what their adult child did, it doesn’t reflect kindly on them.

    Again. Does anyone really think this has taken the DeceptiCon Republicant party by surprise?

  5. What the fuck. TSUMAMI, is their not someone better who lives there, what is going on.
    Cheney has to go.
    Tsumami run yourself.
    I don’t care if it was legal for him to marry her at 15, the national press will rip him apart.
    This is not good.

  6. Awful. I don’t care about the teenage mistake.

    What I care about is that he raised a rapist and this reflects that there is something is very very wrong with him.

    The article says “Five charges… related to a 51-year-old woman”. The 2018 arrest record says that he was arrested for: 286(C) – Sodomy W/Person Under 14 Years Or W/Force; 289(A)(1) – Sexual Penetration By A Foreign Object w/Force And Violence; 288(C)(2) – Caretaker Commit Lewd Act Upon a Dependent Person.

  7. @GeoffC In all the big wide open of Wyoming is there not one relatively normal person who can run against Cheney? No retired ranchers, cowboys, former mayor of a small town, whatever? It takes guts to enter the fray, I understand that, but boy howdy THIS guy has got WAY too much baggage.

  8. Illustr8r

    And ranchers tend to vote Libtard. It’s true. Hopefully that’s changed with the introduction of fake meat. A lot of those Texas border idiots voted for Biden. Erections have consequences

  9. Looks like Karl Rove searched high and low for someone to donate $400K to so he might pretend to be a challenger to Dick Cheneys daughter. Liz already sidestepped her angry LGBT sister. this turkey along with the five otter spliter candidates is a GOPe set up on a platter! A rovian delight!

  10. “Republican” (GOPe RINO) choice is not necessarily the same as conservative choice.

  11. I’ve seen and heard worse when it comes to candidates.
    He was 18 she was 14, and Wyoming may not care. They already voted for him in his district.
    If we’re going to rank on people’s kids, then we have to also talk about hunter biden. lol.

    But, whatever the GOPe does is suspicious to me.

    He’s not the only candidate.


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