Republicans Make Historic Gains in State Government – IOTW Report

Republicans Make Historic Gains in State Government

Despite pundits predictions of a “blue wave,” Republicans managed to flip fourteen Congressional seats red, leaving Democrats with their slimmest majority in the House of Representatives since the nineteenth century.- Dan

17 Comments on Republicans Make Historic Gains in State Government

  1. “…leaving Democrats with their slimmest majority in the House of Representatives since the nineteenth century.”

    …but it’s still a majority.


  2. “…but it’s still a majority.”

    And a majority that tends to stick together on their important issues, not likely to break ranks the way Republican majorities so like to do.

  3. I heard about Republicans making historic gains in state government all through the Obama years. Probably was Barky’s biggest legacy. Yet here I sit in Georgia, with a GOP legislature, Governor and SOS, and they can’t even stop blatant, ham-handed election fraud. And they’re probably going to allow the theft of two GOP Senate seats next month. Not feeling the glee of the gains at all.

  4. Thirdtwin
    DECEMBER 4, 2020 AT 9:03 AM
    “…Not feeling the glee of the gains at all.”

    …that’s because Democrats = Democrats, but most Republicans- Democrats, too.

    …the saying us that “Power Corrupts”.

    Not that “Power Corrupts Only Democrats”.

    …they did sleazy things to get where they are, but DON’T get the free media pass that Democrats do unless they do what Democrats say.

    And Democrats say we’ll let you pretend to be Boss to maintain this fiction of Opposition Party, but WE get to call the tune, or we will RUIN you…

    …which explains Kemp, and SO, so many MORE…

  5. Thirdtwin, it is all up to you Georgians to save the Republic, if you don’t give us a Senate majority, 51 seats, we are proper fucked beyond the point of no return.

    And don’t listen to Lin Wood in his little pep rally the other day when he told you guys to stay home because Loeffler and Perdue do not deserve your support, he wins the prize for the dumbest thing said all week.

  6. Perhaps, just perhaps, a recount will reveal the fraud in the House races too.

    We are focused on the presidential race, but there could be down-ballot side effects as well.

    The investigators need to cast a wide net.

    Just sayin’.

  7. The math is really very simple; the GOP needs both Georgia Senate seats for a 51 seat majority. If they just get one then Harris splits the tie, essentially giving the Dems a majority. A Senate Dem majority green lights every loony tune hair-brained socialist bill the libs have been promising, truly dark days ahead.

  8. Rich Taylor, I’m doing my damndest. Our household doubled Trump votes from 2016, from 2 to 4 this year. But in 2018, my district, GA-6, which had been repped by Tom Price for years and then Karen Handel, flipped to a black Democrat woman from Tennessee with a sob story about gun violence, and she’s in like flint now. I believe the election fraud got her in and kept her there this year.

    My family lives in Fulton county, the epicenter of vote fraud, and we all voted on Dominion machines. We will be voting on those same machines in January. We are being bombarded with text massages from interlopers and carpetbaggers pushing for Warnock and Ossoff. I am so sick of their shit that I want to vote tomorrow and slap the face of any fool calling for a boycott. If the downtown fraudsters are going to try to steal the runoffs, I damned will make them work all night for it. But it sure would be nice to have my elected officials back me up.

  9. “Democrats appear likely to hold their smallest House majority since 1875-77”

    It may be larger than it looks since it will probably include a good number of Republicans as well.


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