Republicans pass Bill of Rights for Parents – IOTW Report

Republicans pass Bill of Rights for Parents

The House of Representatives passes the Parents’ Bill of Rights. 213-208

CFP: Speaker Kevin McCarthy: “Today was a win for every mother, every father, but most importantly, for every student in America. You have a Parents Bill of Rights now.” Today the GOP has passed the Parents Bill of Rights, which will have the right to:

1. Right to know what’s being taught in schools and see reading materials. 2. Right to be heard. 3. Right to see school budgets and spending. 4. Right to protect your child’s privacy. 5. Right to be notified of any violent activity at school.

“It is clear today that the Republican Party is the party of parents. Not a single Democrat crossed, the aisle to vote on behalf of parents and kids across this country.” – @RepStefanik on the Parents Bill of Rights. MORE

9 Comments on Republicans pass Bill of Rights for Parents

  1. C’mon man! I’m not signing that! I need climpingim to keep the kids available for mining and, you know, the thing, with the best 10% for me! I’ll be their Daddy, just ask Ashley or Finnegan or ANY of my kids and grandkids and my supporters kidz I fuc…raised about what a big guy I really AM, espexial when the SS guys hold ’em down for mez!

  2. Pathetic that a bill even had to be written and passed for a parents rights. Now pass one to stop the mutilation of humans nationwide. It’s inhuman to torture a mentally ill person.

  3. I blame Hillary Clinton. She started this ” it takes a village ” crap and started the idea that society raises a child and NOT parent’s!
    Parents right to raise a child was understood, period! Now, we have to have Republicans pass a bill of rights?

  4. Chicago Ultra MAGA Deplorable – Hillary was directing that snake oil to her constituency of inner-city deadbeats, freeloaders and families fractured by decades of democRAT policies! Of course her fellow travelers in the burbs and the Media went right along with it!

  5. It is important that House passes these bills, even though they certainly will go nowhere it sends a great message for the next election.
    The follow-up question though is whether they would even bring this very bill up for a vote if they held majority in both chambers and in the presidency.

  6. **I blame Hillary Clinton. She started this ” it takes a village ” crap…**
    She was right in a way. I grew up in a small town where everybody knew everybody (and their business). I quickly found out if I was seen misbehaving someone would tell my parents. This didn’t totally keep me from being an idiot but it did make me a sneakier one.


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