Republicans To Expunge The Impeachment When They Take Back The House This Fall – IOTW Report

Republicans To Expunge The Impeachment When They Take Back The House This Fall

Washington Examiner

Republicans hope to expunge the House’s impeachment of President Trump if they retake the House in 2020.

As the Senate impeachment trial of Trump reaches its end on Wednesday with a likely acquittal, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the GOP lawmakers in the lower chamber will try to wipe Trump’s record clean. “

This is the fastest, weakest, most political impeachment in history. I don’t think it should stay on the books,” McCarthy told the New York Post on Wednesday. If Republicans retake the House, McCarthy said investigating the Democrats’ handling of impeachment would be among their top priorities in the next session on Congress. More

14 Comments on Republicans To Expunge The Impeachment When They Take Back The House This Fall

  1. That would be absolutely fabulous! It would make the historic record 100% clear that the impeachment was 100% politically driven and had no substance whatsoever. And it could be this short:

    Where as the articles of impeachment were a direct result of a Star Chamber trial the impeachment of Trump is hereby expunge.

  2. The Capitol buildings might want to increase their stocks of defibrillators if that happens. Order some straight jackets also. Might need a xxxxxlarge small one for Nadler. Or shove his arms down his pants and cinch his belt real tight.

  3. What do you do with actual BS? You scrape it off your boot until no residue remains and move on. Same idea here. I agree with the idea…assuming they get the House back.

  4. I think I would rather see all these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS locked up in Gitmo awaiting the swift hand of justice to take their miserable lives. To just wipe the slate clean and pretend this episode never happened is to invite the perps to try again.

  5. Like they’ll overturn obamacare.

    The GOP is only as trustworthy as they fear being exposed as a bunch of corrupt hacks.

    Trust PDJT, Jim Jordan, Louis Gomert and the like -but the rest would sell us out faster than you can say boehner-mccain-romney-flake-corker.

  6. Nancy claims that “He’ll now be impeached forever”

    Sorry Nancy, but that history won’t be written until the perpetrators of this coup are collected up and jailed for treason.

  7. Pelosi had NO AUTHORITY to grant ANY status to the so-called impeachment committee or to the so-called impeachment managers. The full House has to vote on moving to impeachment proceedings. They made up their own laws as they went. Where’s the push back from the House GOP?! Now they’re going to further legitimize this nonsense by “expunging” POTUS Trump’s record?! This is beyond absurd.

  8. Why not start NOW by expunging those no-good perps, Pelosi & Schumer and Schitt and Nadler (“Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!”) ?

    Someone already done expunged their souls.

  9. …Furthermore! Neither of the so-called articles of impeachment were impeachable offenses under the Constitution. That’s like a cop writing a ticket to a driver for not having their radio turned on while driving. It’s just that ridiculous! The president didn’t commit any crimes!

    Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Schumer — These, people of the jury, are your criminals!


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