Republicans Turn Out In Droves To Vote In Uncontested Election – IOTW Report

Republicans Turn Out In Droves To Vote In Uncontested Election

American Thinker

The obvious news is that many voters, after staring into the abyss of Bernie Sanders’ socialism and seeing Fidel Castro looking back at them, are turning to Biden as their preferred candidate. Biden, after looking like a loser last week, is looking like a contender this week.

The less obvious news, though, is that in many states there was a real fire among Republicans, even though Donald Trump is a virtually uncontested incumbent. People ought to be staying home but in several states they are voting for Trump in droves. More

9 Comments on Republicans Turn Out In Droves To Vote In Uncontested Election

  1. @ Left Coast Dan MARCH 4, 2020 AT 10:21 AM

    That is a damnable shame. I was so looking forward to Donald Trump eviscerating that sawed off little runt on stage. The ease with which Grey Beaver tomahawked him down and then scalped his ass clued me that he wouldn’t make it past another few weeks though.

  2. Well, the good news for Michael Bloomberg is that he won’t have to sell his company now to avoid any conflicts of interest, The bad news for most of us is that Bloomberg can spend a billion dollars supporting Biden and trying to keep Pelosi’s majority in the House of Representatives. Get ready for the biggest political advertising campaign in history. Trump’s supporters aren’t going to be swayed by any of this. Most of the states that Biden won are going to vote for President Trump’s re-election.

  3. Dan, “Speaking Bullsh*t” Warren is staying in the race to draw voters away from Bernie. My guess is the Biden campaign or DNC has promised her a cushy position in a Biden administration if she stays in the race to hound Bernie like a weak vampire. Why else would she continue to endure constant humiliation (third in her home state?).

  4. “My guess is the Biden campaign or DNC has promised her a cushy position in a Biden administration…”

    My guess is the DNC has scheduled her to drop out and endorse Biden right before the next round of primaries, and they’ve arranged to help her retire campaign debt in return. The artificial ”Joementum” is being deployed in stages.

    And dotard Joe, like decrepit Hillary, is going to campaign mostly by surrogate, just to cut the gaffe production back.


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