Request – IOTW Report


Need some help from the IOTW crew…we can help pick the questions for Sunday night’s debate. If you follow the link below, you can log in with an e-mail address and zip code and vote for the debate questions. I would guess that several of you have some “throwaway” e-mail addresses that would enable you to express yourself more than once. You can bet the progtards are…Take your time, find some good questions that have support, and get involved in this effort to KEEP HILLARY OUT!!! Please…with our combined site’s readers getting involved, we can sway this with hundreds of thousands of votes by tomorrow…Thanks and GOD bless…

Thank you –

Frank N. Blunt

@Frank/everyone- 10 minute email is a great way to do throwaway emails, they are good for 10 minutes then disappear. You can extend them if you like in 10m increments.\

– Sapper Chris

17 Comments on Request

  1. Shit, the questions have to be answerable by both candidates. I only have questions for Hillary:

    –If you’re so fucking down with the LGBTQ crowd, why won’y you admit that YOU ARE ONE OF THEM?
    –Where were you on the afternoon/evening of September 11, 2012, while Chris Stevens and three other Americans were becoming the subjects of a weenie roast by slimeball Muslim terrorists?
    –Please describe the process by which your office at State handled your income ing e-mails. How did it happen that Ambdr. Stevens’ many requests for additional embassy security never came to your attention?
    –Explain how Donald Trump’s use of the p-word in a locker-room-type conversation with Billy Bush is more offensive than your attempted subversion of the civil rights of Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, and others who complained of sexual harassment by your husband?
    –Justify the “Cadillac Tax” provision of Obamacare.
    –When are you going to release a TRUE copy of your CERTIFIED medical records, including ALL the notes/records of ALL your doctors, ALL the records of yourhospitalizations, ALL your test results, and ALL your ex-rays, MRIs, colonoscopies, etc.?

    There’s lots more, but my head hurts.

  2. They must register your IP address because it already shows I voted for this one:

    Will You Support a Voter ID System that Insures that Only US Citizens Can Vote?

    I wanted to vote 100x.

  3. With all due respect, Team Hillary will not ask any questions except the ones they already wrote and gave to her two weeks ago in CNN headquarters. Dont play along with the kabuki theater. The debates are rigged and we all know it.

    Hey Hillary, what did you think of Ms Venezuelas live donkey sex show porno tape?? Did Huma like it ?

  4. Thanks BFH…you rock…
    I was able to vote from a phone, and again from a laptop with the same IP, but ours is “dynamic” so I believe it is reassigned each time we fire it up. Hope everyone and their property survived Matthew, and thanks again. I would really love to see Shrillary asked some real questions. Frank N.Blunt

  5. Been using throwaways for years for the undesirable communications.

    The Mozilla add-on, “Bloody Vikings” gives you a lot of options:
    10minutemail, anonbox, discard,

    Works for PaleMoon too.

  6. You can vote for more than one question in the same visit. Don’t overlook the second page. The progressives are attacking this thing to get “climate change” and racial/lgbqt … and similar commie crap moved up the line.

  7. Anybody believe this question is from a “6-year-old” girl?:

    “If you deport my parents, what happens to me?

    I am 6 years old and an American citizen. I have a 3 year old sister who is also an American. My heart is very sad, because I’m scared that ICE is going to deport my undocumented mommy and daddy.”

    It is really sick the way they are trying to slant the questions in favor of progressives. They have no truth to draw from so they make up shit.

  8. Is Hillary going to wear her magic earrings? You know, the ones that tell her what to say. She’s only repeating what she hears in her ear. After all, could you talk continuously like that without saying, Uh, or And uh?

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