Requests for Exorcists Have ‘Tripled’ in Italy – IOTW Report

Requests for Exorcists Have ‘Tripled’ in Italy

Breitbart: According to recent reports, the number of people in Italy calling on exorcists for assistance to fight demonic activity has tripled, reaching nearly a half million per year.

In a recent interview, Sicilian exorcist Father Benigno Palilla told Vatican Radio that more and more Italians are engaging in occult activities, which often serve as a gateway to the demonic.

About a quarter of Italy’s adult population regularly visits astrologers, psychics, and tarot card readers, according to the consumer organization Codacons. It is precisely these sorts of activities, Father Benigno Palilla said, that “open the door to the devil and to possession.”

Citing experts in the field, Vatican Radio said that some half a million persons request assistance from exorcists each year in Italy. Although many of these face other sorts of psychological afflictions rather than suffering from demonic activity, nonetheless the diabolical phenomenon itself has been “rising sharply.”  more here

18 Comments on Requests for Exorcists Have ‘Tripled’ in Italy

  1. They’d be better off forcing all the Satan worshiping Muslims out. Islam has nothing to offer except hate, crime, violence, deception, and welfare consumption. Every nation that turns its back on God is filled up with Muslims.

  2. Big problem: Catholic church in Italy – How can it cast itself out?

    Muslimes also believe strongly in demonic activity but it’s generally America and anything to do with America.

    Think of the evil the catholic church priest do to kids.
    Mark 3:23 (NKJV) “So He called them to Himself and said to them in parables: “How can Satan cast out Satan?”

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