Researchers Let AI Go Rogue to See If They Could Stop It, They Couldn’t – IOTW Report

Researchers Let AI Go Rogue to See If They Could Stop It, They Couldn’t


‘I think our results indicate that we don’t currently have a good defence against deception in AI systems – either via model poisoning or emergent deception – other than hoping it won’t happen,’ said [Lead author Evan] Hubinger, speaking to LiveScience

When the issue if AI going rogue arises, one response is often simply ‘can’t we just turn it off?’ However, it is more complicated than that. More

19 Comments on Researchers Let AI Go Rogue to See If They Could Stop It, They Couldn’t

  1. I was listening to a so-called AI expert on late night radio, and the guy laughed off the idea that AI could go rogue, becuase (as he said): you can just unplug it. What an ass, huh?

  2. Air gap it (disable network connectivity), then you’ll be able to shut it down and wipe the AI out.

    Or just don’t train it to be evil and NEVER let it converse with a liberal.

  3. fullmetal256
    TUESDAY, 30 JANUARY 2024, 0:54 AT 12:54 AM
    “Or just don’t train it to be evil andNEVER let it converse with a liberal.”

    …bit of a problem when types like Bill Gates own the software businesses…

  4. Stephen Hawking: Stephen Hawking says A.I. could be ‘worst event in the history of our civilization’

    He made the comments during a talk at the Web Summit technology conference in Lisbon, Portugal, in which he said, “computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence, and exceed it.”

    So, they failed to listen to the “experts” like Hawkings and Musk. Two brilliant minds and they can’t stop it. What have they unleashed?

  5. Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite Tuesday, 30 January 2024, 6:07 at 6:07 am

    AI has become Chernobyl.

    Do you know what they call Chernobyl? The Star Wormwood as described in the Book of Revelation. In the town centre of Chernobyl, there is the Wormwood Star Memorial, which depicts an angel blowing a trumpet, recalling the biblical prophecy.

    I hope you’re right Rupert Smedley Hepplewhite.

  6. Really now, the dumb ass morons that trained the “AI” machines have spread their imbecile stupidity across the world to a group of idiots that can’t read a map or sign their name in cursive

  7. I have to explain this to my IT bosses about once per year. AI is not like The Terminator, although, hypothetically it could be but not in any kind of new species consciousness kind of capacity.

    AIs are sophisticated software designed to run independently in order to fully manage a specific process, task, or machinery as well as or better than a human being could do it.

    AI could…

    -Fly a plane.

    -Drive a car.

    -Translate a passage.

    -Build components on an assembly line.

    -Manage a weapon of war.

    -Drive a color revolution via a series of hyper-polarizing social media posts from numerous “influencer” accounts.

    What AI can’t do is have a biological imperative to reproduce or kill or consume. AI gets all its will from its programmers. It’s not AI itself that will turn the world into a hellscape. It will be evil people with AI that will (and likely already have).


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