Residents of Boulder Told Not to Use USPS Mailboxes – IOTW Report

Residents of Boulder Told Not to Use USPS Mailboxes

Daily Camera

Boulder police are investigating a “highly organized” mail theft ring that extends beyond the city, in the wake of a suspect’s arrest last week.

According to a post on X by Boulder police, in the early hours of July 17 officers were hiding near a post office when they watched a man pull up to blue mailboxes and grab a bundle of other people’s mail.

Officers followed the suspect before making a traffic stop and arrest. According to the post, the man was found with other people’s ID cards and credit cards. Counterfeit keys were also found on the suspect which police believe were used to unlock blue USPS mailboxes that have been subject of increased thefts in recent months. More

13 Comments on Residents of Boulder Told Not to Use USPS Mailboxes

  1. USPS is Theft. Highly paid Unionized government employees.
    Fewer people use USPS, USPS increased the cost to mail anything.
    The only people who have reasonable costs are JUNK MAIL generators.
    The only good coming from junk mail is that we can recycle it as soon as we get it.

  2. Inside job. We don’t put our mail delivery on hold anymore when we go out of town. USPS has become a hive of criminal schemes, not the leadt of which is election theft. That dumbass AOC thinks the USPS should have its own bank network. Would you put money in that sustem? I mean, voluntarily. Eventually, we’ll be funding that boondoggle, one way or another.

  3. It starts at the top. The problem with USPS are if you’re a black lesbian, you get moved to the top of the line, if you’re a black woman you’re second to move up, then a woman of any color, then it goes to black queer men, then queer men and at the bottom are white straight men. You get bonus points regardless if you embezzle money, stamps, sell drugs off the dock, get a DUI while delivering mail, etc.

    The people who just do their job correctly are blacklisted, especially if they’re straight white men. So these identity hires won’t deliver mail for more than a year then get to move up to supervisor and soon postmaster and then they just keep climbing, sucking at every position they held. So that makes it hard to keep good people who have these idiots over them and they either leave or just get to the point where they don’t give a shit. So they hire more idiots who move up the chain and any good person they hire don’t last long.

  4. My mailman will only pick up outgoing mail once or twice a week, and I live in an apartment complex. If I need something to go out NOW I have to drive to the Post Orifice.

  5. Georgia is last in the nation and territories on service from USPS. Any bills I get all bills sent digitally and by USPS. I get less than half of them from the postal before their due date. A quarter I never receive. I pay everything online. Any other items are sent UPS.

  6. A black, female postal supervisor was convicted in Beaumont, Texas last year. She and her cohorts stole over $1.5 million worth of goodies, including gold, cash and expensive merchandise. Imagine someone who is too stupid to acquire a photo ID, but smart enough to steal on that level. It boggles the mind.


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