Resignation of Manafort – IOTW Report

Resignation of Manafort



21 Comments on Resignation of Manafort

  1. Now his great speech from last night will be ignored by the MSM and all the headlines will declare the Trump Campaign is in turmoil and is doomed.

    Trump just can’t get a break!

    Can we move up the first debate to next week?

  2. Another shot in the foot. Amazing he can still walk after all of those bullets.

    The time for this was the day that the Bannon/Conway announcement was made. Now we can have another 48 hours of “inside baseball” headlines and none on substance.

    Sorry but this one (again) is self inflicted.

  3. Menderman, this is the second time, so I assume Trump knows exactly what he is doing.

    An unstable, pillow propped, stooling Hillary will be blindsided when the debate come. Letting the MSM lead the ignorant will allow them to be very underprepared for what is coming.

  4. Govlawyer, I don’t agree. Not to be too repetitive but this is exactly what Manafort always takes on the MSM about…Iit may just be a brilliant move.

    Another great speech by Trump, his voters know. But the MSN will only report on a resignation, knowing nothing more and taa daa…..Trump wins again, the MSM is only reporting on small inconsequential issues and glossing over very important good campaign speaches all the while granny is napping ’til Sunday.

  5. When did Trump know he was going to resign? And why did they chose to release this today? Surely there was forethought to this. Planning, planning and planning. Nothing is spur of the moment.

  6. Don’t know much about Manafort but my impression was that he was pulling Donald away from being The Donald and explaining to him the tried and true processes for the GOP to participate in the process, and politely lose. Trump has patiently and politely laid out the case for immigration reductions and control (my #1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 issues) the last two evenings, and that is what catapulted him to the front of the GOP field IMHO. Maybe this is related to Manafort going out the door. Immigration control/reduction/MORATORIUM are huge winning issues for the Republicans if they can develop the spine to lead with them and ignore the MSM hysterics and lies.

  7. The stuff Manafort did for Putin was starting to get legs, and taking current events in that area to account, Manafort risked becoming a huge liability for Trump.
    Putin is massing troops, and if he moves before the election it will be very unpopular with the US population.
    The last thing Trump needs would be something like that tied to his neck.

  8. Aggie, we can agree to disagree on this one. Is it more important that the news stories are about Trump taking it to the pig in a pants suit, or how the campaign is (from appearances only) in a state of flux? The media wants the narrative to be that Trump and his campaign can’t get their shit together (and imagine citizens if he were in the WH with this kind of confusion).
    I’d prefer that the stories be about policies, not HR problems.

  9. “I’d prefer that the stories be about policies, not HR problems. “

    govlawyer once again demonstrating he knows sh!t about winning elections.
    Because, *everyone* knows that most voters choose their candidate based on policy, right?!?


    Your logic is right up dowm there with JohnS’.

  10. Govlawyer —I’d prefer that the stories be about policies, not HR problems.–

    Then your problem is with the press, but you want to blame Trump. You’re drinking the koolaid 😉

  11. Trump just doing what a successful business man does. Got something to get done? Hire the right person for the job. Got something new to get done? If the previous person isn’t the best choice, let him go and hire a new person.
    The establishment just hires, and hires, and hires without letting anyone go. Committee by committee.

  12. Govlawyer LOL, who wouldn’t be?

    You miss the point because you like feeling better than Trump and his staff.

    If you want to hear them talk policy, but MSM won’t report on it. You suggest Trump run his campaign to please you and the MSM. So in kind I am glad the MSM has your stamp of approval

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