Restatement on Claremont’s “Flight 93” Essay – IOTW Report

Restatement on Claremont’s “Flight 93” Essay

The “Flight 93” rebuking of #NeverTrump caused quite a stir. Ben Shapiro called it stupid.

Here’s an excerpt from the author’s rebuttal

…we’ve not been able to implement our agenda even when we win elections—which we do less and less. Conservatism had a project for national renewal that it failed to implement, while the Left made—and still makes—gain after gain after gain. Consider conservatism’s aims: “civic renewal,” “federalism,” “originalism,” “morality and family values,” “small government,” “limited government,” “Judeo-Christian values,” “strong national defense,” “respect among nations,” “economic freedom,” “an expanding pie,” “the American dream.” I support all of that. And all of it has been in retreat for 30 years. At least. But conservatism cannot admit as much, not even to itself, in the middle of the night with the door closed, the lights out and no one listening.

I tried to tell it, and it got mad.



18 Comments on Restatement on Claremont’s “Flight 93” Essay

  1. Fuck Shariro-I used to think he got it.

    With the absolute proof this past Sunday that TPTB have been desperately attempting to INSTALL a moribund POS in the presidency at any cost and that said POS and her insiders obviously do not care a bit about the heart & soul of this country-NOW would have been the time for cocksuckers like Shapiro, The Sweaty Thumb, Kristol to come their GD fucking senses and throw in for the one person that can stop this nightmare.

    But noooooo, even in the face of this TREASON, they double & triple down. They’re becoming increasingly irrelevant and they know it.

  2. The line from the article that was like a knife in my heart and a point I’ve been shouting, no, screaming for a couple years is this, “She pledges to vastly increase the refugee flow from the Middle East into our communities (and, mark my words, they will be Red State communities).”

    This GD fucking president knows full well whats he’s doing by importing 100s of 1,000s of moslims and dropping them into towns like Amarillo and Twin Falls. This is TREASON. He is not just changing the demographics of these communities, it is an all out assault on our traditions & values. They weill never never assimilate-NEVER.

    I’ve choked down the fact that the majority of illegals are here to stay. Build the GD wall, stop the inflow and I’ll live with that. But these fucking moslims have got to go. This is one promise I’ll hold Trump to. They have to go back and the insanity of moslim emigration must stop.

  3. Well worth the time to read.
    Arguing with nevertrumpers appears to be fruitless. You drop to their level, while elevating theirs.

    The fact remains, the nevertrumpers have pushed themselves into irrelevance, quasi intellectual, constitutional dreamers whining about another lost opportunity versus taking the opportunity set before us.

    If Hillary is the medicine the US is forced to swallow,(advocated by nevertrumpers), it is an indication we have a terminal illness.

    Call Hospice, may it be a painless death as we enter the final Marxist/Socialist transformation the left has been pushing for decades (through the assistance of nevertrumpers).

  4. It is not about a political philosophy it is all about greed. Hillary will make the never Trumpers even more wealthy than they already are! She deals in money and money only and she has amassed plenty of it thru her crooked greedy deals with crooked greedy people!

  5. “As to the second, can you think of a single amendment among the Bill of Rights that is not routinely violated—with the acquiescence and approval of the Left? I can’t.”

    I was thinking about the Third Amendment:

    “No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.”

    Technically, that one is still unviolated. Unless one counts DFACS goons and Bureau of Land Management thugs as militant, intrusive soldiers of social justice. Which I do.

    Rule of Law by legislation is gone. It is the Law of Rules by Administration now.

  6. Kind of relevant to this discussion regarding the expansion of statism….
    I was in DC on Friday night to see Phillies@Nationals game. Stayed at a hotel next to the ballpark. From the entrance to my hotel I could see 7 construction cranes, all working 7 different sites, building more high rise structures. The place is a boomtown.

    The rest of the country? Not so much.

    People are feasting heavily on our carcasses and if you live in that DC bubble you are either unaware or simply don’t care about the rest of the country.

  7. The Progressive Democrats never compromise with the Conservative Republicans….

    However the Republicans will compromise with the Democrats on everything….

    Think about water dripping on a stone….eventually the water wins and wears a hole thru the stone….

    and eventually the Progressive Democrats win by….one compromise at a time.

  8. TO cato

    “Dropping to the level” of the #NTers is IMHO still necessary, to call out these retards, so that their babble does not go unchallenged in the eyes of the more persuadable/gullible public.

  9. What a difference an invention has made, take a blow Algore.
    Having read the last paragraph first, courtesy of Mr. Hat, I rushed through. Don’t like long phone conversations either. I guess wordsmiths get paid by the word and this Mus guy sure is a good wordsmith.
    The internet has done for information distribution what the printing press did for the bible.
    We have then by the ankles and are shaking them to get our stuff back, they have big flaps over their pockets of deceit.
    It’s gonna get ugly.

  10. Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Read the first Flight 93 essay and the follow-up is even better.

    For years I’ve railed against what I call the Permanent Bureaucrat Class, or what Decius calls the Administrative State. I’ve also railed against Crony Capitalism or what Decius calls the Managerial Class.

    TRUMP 2016

  11. I remember when people who suggested partitioning the country for the leftists and the ones who cannot bear the thought of living under leftism got laughed at.

    Not so fuckin’ funny anymore, is it?

    One president cannot undo what an ever increasing left has in motion.

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