Restaurant Sign Causes Outrage Because It’s Trivializing the Movement – IOTW Report

Restaurant Sign Causes Outrage Because It’s Trivializing the Movement

The movement needs trivializing. The movement needs to be flushed. It is idiotic. Obviously, all black lives do not matter. They don’t matter to blacks who shoot blacks because they wandered into the wrong neighborhood. Black lives do not matter to millions of mothers who kill their kids because a baby isn’t convenient.

There are white lives that don’t matter either. I could pull the kill switch on lots of white people with absolutely no hesitation. John Wayne Gacy comes to mind.

The phrase, “All Lives Matter,” galls me just as much as, “Black Lives Matter.”

All lives matter? Really? Have you been out there? Are you awake?

Do you think when a homicide bomber detonates his vest I’m thinking that this guy’s life mattered? No.

I wish he was never born.

The Sun-

People have taken to social media to slam the slogan, with Claudia Sanchez writing: “As a woman of color I find your posting offensive and in very bad taste.

“You simply wish to rub salt in an ugly festering wound which evil minded people refuse to allow to heal. The civilized world no longer has any tolerance for your hateful public display of what passes to you as humor.”

Others criticised the restaurant for apparently deleting negative comments.

But others praised the pun, with Russell Berryman writing: “Always love a good play on words. keep up the good work.”

The restaurant’s owner Rick Camuglia told CBS affiliate KRQE: “We didn’t think anybody would be offended by that. It was not our intent to offend anybody.”

27 Comments on Restaurant Sign Causes Outrage Because It’s Trivializing the Movement

  1. “You simply wish to rub salt in an ugly festering wound which evil minded people refuse to allow to heal. The civilized world no longer has any tolerance for your hateful public display”.

    My sentiments exactly about the false BLM movement(?) and those hiding behind it. Grow up.

  2. I like green olives myself-does that matter? Not all lives matter as stated above and as I have said most of my life. All evil and wicked people need to be and will be one day standing at the judgment seat whether you believe it or not. I’d rather do my best to live a good life now and believe than to not believe and have to face that judgment later on.

  3. If people are so outraged, grow a set of balls and pop the “O” off the sign. Whaddya got? BLACK (O)LIVES MATTER.

    Get a sense of humor, people.
    You’re going to need one.
    You’re going to need one VERY SOON.
    Trust me.

  4. Bravo!
    GREAT satire.

    Someone should offer a “Trayvon” pizza
    (topped with Skittles)
    with “Alton Sterling” cheese
    (as in Swiss…with all the holes…)

  5. It cracks me up that someone can read a sign and then go on a rage.
    They had no INTENT to hurt anybody.
    Clinton safe zone.
    Johnny Cochran would say:
    “No intent was in sight,
    You cannot indict.”

  6. “an ugly festering wound which evil minded people refuse to allow to heal.”

    If that she means that evil festering prick in the white house who is wounding America and driving the hatred against white cops and white people in general, he can go heal up in Kenya if he hates it here that badly. So can any others who don’t want a safe America.

  7. #BlackLivesSplatter

    I’m sick of their posturing, pontificating, puerile pursuits.

    Think it’s tough getting EBT cards every month? Think it’s tough drinking Mad Dog 20/20 and watching TV 16 hours a day? Think it’s tough running the streets acting like fools while others clean up you messes?

    Try toting bricks 8 hours a day. Try getting up at 5 AM and going off to work so some unknown slug can get half your pay. Try working for 30 years to have some raging scumbags burn your store. Try watching your city, state, and country turn to shit right before your eyes while your elected “officials” tell you to calm the fuck down.

    Fuck you, okay? Get a job, take care of your whelps, teach em discipline and comportment, how to act with the cops, how to be thankful that we’ve tried to civilize you. Again, fuck you – and yours – you’re no better than the lice and ticks and mice that infest the woodlands.

    Your lives matter? To whom? Not to you, assuredly, and certainly not to me.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. “One day the trees went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree, ‘Be our king.’ ” – Judges 9:8

    Olives, olive oil, and olive trees are mentioned more than 170 times in the Bible. And the leaves are mentioned as medicine.

    That might not matter to a lot of people, but it matters a lot to me.

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