Resting B!tch Face – IOTW Report

Resting B!tch Face

Researchers have demonstrated that some people have a facial expression conveying annoyance when in fact they aren’t really expressing anything at all.


Some people suffer this affliction, others inflict the suffering.


17 Comments on Resting B!tch Face

  1. Her expressions remind me of a 13 yo girl getting chewed out because of her grades, sexting, lying, sneaking out without permission, stealing, etc.
    Why yes, I raised two.

  2. The Sasquatch, or “Bigfoot” as it is sometimes called, appears to be from a dying twig on the evolutionary tree.
    This primitive subspecies is nearly extinct, but isolated sightings are reported from time to time.

    There was one known specimen in captivity, collected on the Dark Continent by the ill-fated David Rockefeller expedition.
    Researchers, noting the female specimen’s superficial human resemblance, attempted to socialize the creature. In time they were able to teach it some rudimentary language skills and accustom it to tolerating (admittedly outlandish) human-style clothing. These efforts were terminated due to the specimen’s poor attitude, and the difficulty of periodic depilatory treatments.

    It is unknown whether it can mate successfully with humans.

    Study of this unusual creature ended abruptly when it escaped from it’s cage, and killed and ate the scientists.

    It’s current whereabouts are unknown. It could be anywhere, passing for human. If anyone should be unlucky enough to encounter it, caution is advised. It is very dangerous, and has a voracious appetite.

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