Retail sales jump a record 17.7% as the economy rebounds from coronavirus shutdown – IOTW Report

Retail sales jump a record 17.7% as the economy rebounds from coronavirus shutdown

Washington Examiner:

Retail sales increased 17.7% in May, the Census Bureau reported on Tuesday, as states reopen their economies.

Last month’s jump in sales beats the previous record set in 2001 when retail sales increased 6.7% in October as Americans resumed shopping after 9-11.

Economist predicted that sales last month would rise 7.4%.

May’s increase comes on the heels of retail sales contracting a record 16.4% in April and 8.3% in March.

This is breaking news.

18 Comments on Retail sales jump a record 17.7% as the economy rebounds from coronavirus shutdown

  1. And that’s with people like myself who refuse to go into stores due to required face diapers. I haven’t been to a store in over 2 months. Thank goodness for my wife otherwise I would starve. Several projects on the backburner since the wife doesn’t understand hardware.

  2. Ha! Suck it Lefties
    Despite the entire Globalist Illuminati Putsch, we Americans rise to the top by doing what we do best.
    Being our irreverent, hard ass working, buying stuff and going places and doing stuff!

  3. There’s a radio station that I listen to on the inter webs. They have a sponsored “financial advisor”that has been talking doom and gloom for June…..HOW DO THEY JUSTIFY THEIR FUCKING JOBS?….It’s almost like they sell insurance, specifically health insurance…phoney bastards…..

    I always took pride in the work I provided and I bullshitted noone….Blue collar work, but quality…..

  4. Maybe people are spending more when they shop. or maybe it’s driven by online retail sales, but I’m still seeing far fewer shoppers than before the lockdown.

  5. I began spending money like crazy back in February when this DemPanic ChiCom Bioweapon Bullsheite started. Also, to Governor Shit-For-Brains Dim Bulb Inslee, I never obeyed your “stay at home order” the whole time. So, ‘neener neener’ on that score.

    But at one year into retirement, I have to report reaching ‘peak retirement’ already – right at the point when America is reaching ‘peak Left-Wing insanity.’

    Busy times…

  6. @lgmichael – peak retirement is where:

    (a) You retired from your work at 68, and…
    (b) You’ve done “this and that” for a year, and…
    (c) You’re not used to doing just “this and that,” and…
    (d) You really miss the creative challenge of work, and…
    (e) You decide ‘retirement’ sucks, and…
    (f) You invent new ways to ‘work’ before leaving the planet.

  7. @MJA,

    “Well, except for all the places BLM and ANTIFA burned down.”

    That was my point exactly. Next month they will look at each other and wonder where the June profits are.


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