Retail Theft Is Wildly Out of Control  – IOTW Report

Retail Theft Is Wildly Out of Control 

The Economic Collapse Blog:

We are right in the middle of a tsunami of shoplifting that never seems to end, and as a result major retailers are closing down locations in major cities all over the country.

A few years ago, videos of brazen shoplifters ruthlessly looting retail stores were shocking everyone, but now this sort of thing is so common that very few of us are shocked anymore.  We have come to expect that our retail stores will be regularly looted because this is who we have become as a nation.  Sadly, even many of our politicians aren’t too concerned that the impoverished masses are stealing billions of dollars worth of merchandise from our major retailers. more

20 Comments on Retail Theft Is Wildly Out of Control 

  1. There are people who are taught to steal anything they can as early as 3 or 4 years old. They learn to have no feeling, no remorse, and no conscience.How many businesses are closing in the big cities because they’re being stolen blind? Wal Mart and other retailers are regretting trying to go with 100% self checkout because people are scanning a few items and walking out with carts full of merchandise. retail theft is taken very lightly, usually not even warranting an arrest.

  2. The only reason blue cities have decriminalized shoplifting is because of the demographics of the shoplifters. Too many POC in the jails. As the stores close , and people get all their stuff from Amazon, the delivery trucks will have to have armed guards.

  3. Y’all talk like this is a problem. I recently revised my monthly household budget to reflect the current reality:

    Skin care products: $0.00
    Basic toiletries: $0.00
    Snack foods: $0.00
    Grocery staples: $0.00
    Clothing: $0.00
    Pharmacy: $0.00
    Grand savings total: $Lots of money

    Combined with my penchant for squatting, EBT cards, car theft and forgiveness of my student debt, I can now devote full time to writing my new best seller “Living Well In America On Nothing A Year.” Thank you progressive politicians, and thank you hard working Americans for voting these assholes into office year after year.

  4. When they’re caught they scream like banshees and make a scene of total entitlement, then when cuffed they suddenly can’t breathe.
    They should start caning them giving them something to ponder.
    There should be a steep price for what they’re doing to our country.

  5. And when all the stores close and move out, the inner city (certain demographics) whine, complain and cry “RAYCISSSSS” about (grocery store, Big Box, fast food) deserts in their immediate area.

  6. The judiciary, police and for a large part voters are to blame.
    You get what you vote for.
    Retailers, if you open a store or shop in a shithole, expect to be driven out of business.

  7. The whole show is deliberate. The defund and don’t prosecute is a part of the revolution. You can vote all you want, they are counting the votes and they are winning. You must understand when 0bama said fundamentally transform, he meant fundamentally transform. Now, there’s no fun in the transformation and the fundamentals don’t involve any fun themselves, but destruction of the essential economy and social ‘contract’ is a requirement of the revolution and it is being executed very effectively in the large cities where the population lives.

    The activities of the last 3.5+ years have to be seen for what they are, the pursuit of the communist (not official communism, but all the bells and whistles of so called communist government- think China, the old Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, -that sort of thing) revolution.

    Tricorn hats are available on line. Buy one and wear it.

  8. A few years ago our local WalMart was down to two usable carts. People were riding them out of the store, loading them into the back of a pickup and selling them for scrap. my wife is handicapped and needs one the few times she has to go shopping. A lot of places don’t charge them overnight and when they don’t have a usable one we have to leave. It really gets frustrating.

  9. My area is now known for it’s acres of warehouses (offered off tax roles of course) and we are now seeing direct theft from them – the security companies are advertising jobs for vets who can be firearmed licensed to use deadly force.

    Nothing to go into the local Sheets store near the industrial park and find d a squad or two of them there. The store loves it because nobody shop lifts there.

    Who knew guns were a discourager of crime? Maybe on to to something here huh? What if these stores actually began shooting (just to wing and maim 😉) looters?


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