Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor To Withdraw From Public Life After Dementia Diagnosis – IOTW Report

Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor To Withdraw From Public Life After Dementia Diagnosis

DC: Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, the first woman to sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, announced Tuesday that she has been diagnosed with a degenerative mental disability and will withdraw from public life.

The 88-year-old served on the high court from 1981 to 2006.

“Some time ago, doctors diagnosed me with the beginning stages of dementia, probably Alzheimer’s disease,” O’Connor wrote in a letter released via the Supreme Court’s public information office. “As this condition has progressed, I am no longer able to participate in public life.”

In a separate statement, Chief Justice John Roberts called her a towering figure in the history of the country and for all those committed to equal justice under law.

O’Connor has kept a vigorous public schedule since leaving the high court 12 years ago. She lectured in law schools and other public forums, wrote books and supported philanthropic efforts promoting civic engagement.

Unlike many of her colleagues, O’Connor was not drawn from well-connected coastal circles or the rarefied air of elite legal practice. She was born in El Paso, Texas, and grew up on a cattle ranch near Duncan, Arizona, called the Lazy B. Though she graduated third in her class from Stanford Law School — where she briefly dated Chief Justice William Rehnquist, her future colleague — she was forced to take an unpaid position in a local prosecutor’s office due to the prevailing bias of the day.  more here

12 Comments on Retired Justice Sandra Day O’Connor To Withdraw From Public Life After Dementia Diagnosis

  1. Speaking of dementia, just finally got around to buying Trump’s ‘Art of the Deal’ today and there are a number of photographs in it. One with President and Mrs Reagan.
    It was signed Nancy and “Reagan Reagan”.

    I guess he was already slipping in 1986.

  2. My heart breaks for anyone who is diagnosed with this terrible condition. My sweet mother died from complications of dementia in November last year and it was agonizing to watch her mentally deteriorate while her body stayed strong. It was the one thing she feared. What a cruel disease.

  3. My mom also died in May of this year from dementia. believe me between my brother and I taking care of her after my dad died in Feb. it was no fun. it was actually a great mercy when she passed away as she didn’t have to be crazy anymore. I don’t wish dementia on anyone


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