Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson: Is President Trump the White Savior to Black America? – IOTW Report

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson: Is President Trump the White Savior to Black America?

CNS: President Donald Trump has issued a blunt warning to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel about his city’s out-of-control violence: “If the city doesn’t fix the horrible carnage going on, I’ll send the feds!”

Trump’s words sent shockwaves across the country.

Donald Trump – a white man whom the press has tried to paint as a racist – is ironically giving black America hope. What seemed like an impossible problem plaguing our inner cities now seems solvable.

But what’s wrong with black men that they can’t stop the carnage?

For eight years, Barack Obama had the full authority and resources of the United States government to deal with the gangs, drugs and violence afflicting his adopted hometown of Chicago, but all he did was posture. He supported his corrupt former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel as mayor, and they pandered to black “activists,” blamed guns and called for more spending.  more here

6 Comments on Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson: Is President Trump the White Savior to Black America?

  1. What’s going on is all about race.

    The only way Chitcago will do anything about the violence on its own is if middle-age suburban white guys start having shootouts in Austin, Englewood or Garfield Park.

    It will then become a crisis situation, then the CPD and lame liberal prosecutors will finally begin to uphold existing law.

  2. Racistry!
    Ain’t nobody care what some Uncle Tom “Reverend” say! He ain’t no ways annointatated by Gawd! I ain’t seen him in MY Church!
    How can you be all Pontificatious about Blacks being owned, when you be ownified your own self?
    Your Masters windify you up and set you down in front of Cameras and spout Medialicious lies and trickery to negatificate the legaliciousness of those who may, upon much. So…
    So don’t tell ME! I know!
    I know with certaintificacy that you all talk with no walk!
    Ain’t nobody got to tell ME the truth.

  3. I could never be an office in Chicago. If they intervene the community organizers and black activist go after them. If they don’t do anything then it’s their fault even though they did not start the shit.

    I guess the best they can do is sit back, wait for the shooting to stop and then go in and arrest the winner.

  4. It would make Chicago great again if kids living in war zones could attend charter schools with out being in the cross fire. Lots of things would make Chicago great again, jobs, the National Guard to protect and defend, the DOJ to drain the swamp.

    Just dreaming

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