Rev. Mumblemouf As Incoherent As Ever – IOTW Report

Rev. Mumblemouf As Incoherent As Ever

Jesse Jackson addressed students at the University of Michigan and called upon Trump to issue a full pardon for citizen Hillary Clinton.

Clinton has been spoken about since her crushing defeat as “the one that got away.”

For leftists it means she was their darling. For the right it means she is a career felon that never seems to pay for her crimes.

Which is closer to the truth?

Are you kidding? Clinton belongs in jail.

Odd that a leftist heroine needs a blanket pardon “for whatever crimes she might have committed,” as Jackson puts it.

They are not calling for investigations to be called off. They are calling for the results of the investigation to be called off. If a woman is as great as they think she is, why worry about the outcome and demand a pardon? It’s because they know she is filthy, dirty crooked, and that’s okay with them.

Freep reporting:

“It would be a monumental moral mistake to pursue the indictment of Hillary Clinton,” Jackson said. He said issuing the pardon could help heal the nation, like Ford’s pardon of Nixon did.

Nixon’s pardon healed the nation? Filthy hippies, who are now Hillary’s age, were, and are still, enraged by that pardon.

Nixon was the one that “got away.”

Continuing, Jackson continued to spin into complete incoherence.

“In this election, voters voted for fear.”

How do you vote FOR fear? Is that what Trump is, an animated carbon mass of fear?

No, Jesse. The fear is that the left’s destructive agenda will be halted. We voted for hope, we voted for something positive, and you are the one that is in fear.

Donald Trump saw an America that was a dry field, and instead of watering it to get the grass growing again, he threw a lit match on it, Jackson said.


So after 8 years of Obama, America was a dry field, and Hillary vowed to continue the Obama agenda. So it would have been Hillary throwing the match on the dry field, no?

Trump wants to change course. He is watering the dry field, you big dummy.

Now it’s up to Trump to take action, Jackson added.

“The one who set the field afire must be the one to put it out,” he told the Free Press in a one-on-one interview. “He had the option to pour water on it (the dry field) and let it grow. He didn’t do that — he chose to light it on fire. One of my concerns is that we see the division in America now because of that. We see classmates, roommates in a conflict over the way the campaign turned out.

Ahhhhhhhhhh. I get it now. We see classmates and roommates in conflict with how the election went. So, logically, the only way to put out the fire is for Trump to govern like Hillary would have.

We must avoid the conflict by assuaging “the fear” of the losers, and disregard how the winners will be conflicted.

Shut up.

Go away.

You lost.

Sit back, calmly, and watch or go to Canada. If you riot it’s on you, not Trump.

ht/ rob e.

18 Comments on Rev. Mumblemouf As Incoherent As Ever

  1. Fee-aah said the Right Reverend Jesse “can’t keep his trousers zipped” Jackson, resulted in a Trump presidency.

    Frankly, with all the respect that’s due you Reverend Shake-Down, my hope is Trump stocks up on butane and passes around the Zippo’s, it’s called a controlled burn in my neck of the woods.

  2. This is always the problem when we win-these fucking asshats start popping up again like Whack-A-Moles. Really, where the fuck has this jerk been lately? But now? Fuck.

    Then this, “the one that got away.” HAHA Good one Hills. I saw she finally sobered up enough to make a public appearance. Wow, she looks like warmed over death.

  3. Jesse’s a sad, pathetic minor imp who sold his soul for a cup of rice and is now discovering that the Devil played him a trick.

    It ain’t rice – it’s maggots!

    Eat up, Jesse!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I think the way the Hillarites look at it is they expect the anti-Hillarites to continue a superficial investigation in order to indict her on trumped-up charges (surprisingly, no pun intended) of which she is actually innocent. In other words, just another instance of projection.

  5. funny this asshole has had nothing to say for the last 8 years about the plight of blacks in his home town of chitcago.

    but after trump is elected he comes crawling out of the slums. must be time to graft a few million and few jobs from another company.

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