Revealing Lingerie Ads: The True Beauty of Women – IOTW Report

Revealing Lingerie Ads: The True Beauty of Women

CNS: You won’t believe what one lingerie company is doing to show what makes a woman truly beautiful. I’ve got a great story for you. Get a hankie.

When it comes to lingerie companies, we’ve gotten used to some pretty graphic ads. You know the kind I mean: ones that feature impossibly perfect, airbrushed models wearing frilly and revealing underwear.

But the other day I came across the most amazing lingerie ad I’ve ever seen. No, I was not reading a Victoria’s Secret catalog. I was watching an online ad created by the Thailand branch of Wacoal, a Japan-based lingerie company. It was part of a three-part series called “Beauty Inside.” And it magnificently depicts the true value of women.

The first ad opens with a married couple sitting nervously in their doctor’s office, holding hands. “After trying so hard for many years, she finally got pregnant,” the husband says. But today they’re getting some bad news.

“I know it’s hard,” the doctor says sympathetically. “But please make a decision as soon as possible.”

The couple, clearly stunned, drive home, hold one another, and cry.

“On that day at the hospital,” the husband relates, “the doctor told us that she’s got cancer. She has only two choices. First, she might be cured if she took chemotherapy. But that may cause our child a disability. Or we might lose our baby. The alternative is to keep our child. But she might have to fight the cancer alone, without any remedy.”

The woman cries as her husband holds her. The next morning, she gets up and walks to the living room, where the baby’s crib is still sitting on its box. She runs her fingers along the crib and makes a decision: “I will do it for you, baby.”

MORE [ He’s not kidding…Bring kleenex]

11 Comments on Revealing Lingerie Ads: The True Beauty of Women

  1. Women are God’s perfection … the truly blessed are the perpetrators of the unselfish act of the continuance of human life

    … what the ‘progressives’ most want to deny women … & civilization as we know it

  2. Profound.

    It’s hard to think of those Pink hat idiots or the women on strike as having anywhere near the beauty shown in that commercial.

    Femininazis have denigrated themselves in ways much worse than members of the male gender. Think Ashly Judd, Joy Behar.

  3. Profound and beautiful video. Hits close to home. I held our first for 8 hours in Neo Natal ICU. Momma received blood to replenish her loss during that time.

    I’ll die before someone hurts my wife, my kids or grandkids. My wife will be more animated than I if that were the circumstance. But… I’m of the mindset that I’ll take that SOB out before I take my last breath. You don’t want to be in the way of Momma Bear and her family though. My dealings will be more humane that hers.

    Those that choose abortion (men and women) do so of their wants and desires of their own conceit. They are, cowards.

    “When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.” John 16:21

  4. BigGun, Been through a very similar experience. Actually twice. After they get through trying to deal with our wives, the last thing they want to deal with is one of us. I have a few stories.

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