Revenge of the Angry Broads – IOTW Report

Revenge of the Angry Broads

Patriot Retort: Did you know that more women than men attend university?

More’s the pity.

While some folks say the worst thing to happen to our society was the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, I disagree.

What really hurt our society was the advent of Women’s Studies programs at universities.

Colleges took relatively intelligent women and turned them into bitter, resentful, angry broads. And the really diabolical part is they got those young women to pay handsomely for the privilege of becoming emotionally ruined and intellectually stunted.

I’ve said more times than I can count that the best thing that could happen to this country is bulldozing every university to the ground then salting the earth.

Gender Studies, Women’s Studies, Feminist Theory – all these majors should really be renamed “Victim Studies.”

Women aren’t being educated to enter the real world prepared for economic independence and success. Instead, they’re being browbeaten into believing they are helpless victims – unable to do for themselves or succeed because the “patriarchy” is keeping them oppressed.  MORE

24 Comments on Revenge of the Angry Broads

  1. OK Fuck it , Here’s my rant:
    I’m watching FOX News tonight, 7.20 pm. The headline on FOX is “Political battle erupts over Kavanaugh nomination.”
    I say to myself, when did it “erupt’? What the fuck is the meaning of erupt?
    It’s being going on since day one, before day one, and even before he was nominated That scumbag Schumer, Senator NY said “I will oppose him with everything I got.” even before he was put forth by President Trump. The other idiot Senator from New York, a lawyer Gillibrand, says, I believe Dr. Ford “because she is telling the truth.”
    Do I have a reason to drink? Dealing with these motherfuckers?

  2. I’ve seen it happen to an old friend. Later in life after the kids were gone husband paid for wife’s education at Boston University. Later she got her masters at Wellesley where she turned into a total shrew. 20 years of marriage dashed by the Wellesley created monster.

  3. By and large, men are pretty simple creatures. There is really no biological urge to have children, and there is no timeline in any event – we can wait until our 40s with no problem. Most men are not anxious to strap into a big mortgage, and interior decorating is as important to men as an elective root canal; a big screen television, comfortable place to lounge and a refrigerator full of beer and we are good to go. If we earn enough to buy a nice car, support whatever hobbies we have, and provide for the basic necessities of life, men are just fine.

    So the angry broads are going to get angrier as more men check out of the committed relationship thing, or if it becomes less important and society does not demand this arrangement. Women are equal now, and this means among other things that you can take care of yourself while we take care of ourselves. If you want to bring anger, bitterness and emotional baggage to a relationship, then whether or not you are male or female you are going to have a tough time finding someone to put up with this on a full time and long term basis. There is a difference between men and women, and many sociologists claim that men enter into relationships to get sex while women give sex in exchange for a relationship. If one-half of that relationship is an angry broad, men are fine with looking elsewhere or having temporary flings.

    Men and women do have choices. Just realize that you rarely can have it all, and choose wisely.

  4. @moe tom , take a breath, You’ve been so much more reasonable than this! If it takes another swig, go for it! I’ve been there. Relax, and just wait for the Tide that’s coming.

  5. @moe tom – That was a good, clear, and totally well-targeted rant. Well done!

    That Fox headline should read:

    Political battle ginned up by lying and slandering Democrats and their craven Republican enablers. Both parties dance their damnably deceitful dance and refuse to admit what’s REALLY going on because then they’d derail their gravy train.

  6. Wow, @Wyatt Insensitive Progressive Jerk, are you short timing? I understand!, Truly I do! I have always been grateful to find IOTW as the best place today, not attacked (usually) for getting things off myself. Sincerely wish you well and glad for you to express your rants, ’cause we all have them,,Regards,,

  7. Sorry for the rant. I usually wait until a particular thread moves to page 2 so I don’t bore people, and it feels good to get things off my chest.

  8. Just wait until they no longer can escape reality, whether they want to see it or not. Like the useless, feckless, hapless, willfully stupid and ignorant throughout history, they’ll wind up being at best marginal chopped litter for pig birthing stables, soon to be tossed, wet and foul, on the world’s manure pile.

    I hope that’s some nice, well chilled bourbon you’re sipping, Moe. Or maybe some single malt.

  9. @Snorky1: I used to have “liberal” friends. The only civil conversation I could have with them required complete acquiescence to every crack brained, insane utterance they made. E.g., “Say, ****, have you reread 1984 lately?” The response was “1984 came and went and nothing happened”. Had similar exchanges about “Climate Change”, the barky apology tour, etc., etc., etc. This was during the barky administration. I once used to send some of them articulate, well reasoned articles, including scientific and historical ones, that countered their fever dreams. I stopped when they wrote “Stop sending me this right wing drivel!”. I don’t miss them or their thoughts one bit. And – I have serious doubts that civil and reasoned conversation will be possible until they are crushed into accepting reality – or we are crushed into 1984’s eternal boot in the face.

    Fortunately, I have some good deplorable dreg friends here in Nolackaloonies, MT.

    I think I’ll go sip a little Bulleit a little later…

  10. PHenry, I saw it happen to two in-law family members. One was a conservative Republican, the other a conservative democrat(when those still existed). Both were stay at home moms then their kids went to school and they got bored, although both of them had husbands that provided them with a financially secure life. Off to college they went and now today they cry not enough money is given to schools, welfare, environment, etc. and are always off at some protest or the other.
    They’re not full shrews yet, but each year they get a little worse.


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