REVIEW: ‘How To Beat Trump’ by Mark Halperin. [No one wanted it. He wrote it anyway] – IOTW Report

REVIEW: ‘How To Beat Trump’ by Mark Halperin. [No one wanted it. He wrote it anyway]

WFB: No one wanted Mark Halperin to write a book. Shunned from public life in 2017 after numerous (ex-)colleagues at ABC News accused him of sexual misconduct, the disgraced pundit’s analysis of the upcoming presidential election was not in particularly high demand. Nevertheless, he persisted, even as the market withheld its consent.

How To Beat Trump: America’s Top Political Strategists On What It Will Take sold just 502 copies in the first week after its publication in late October. For context, Stronger Together, the complete dud of a campaign book coauthored by Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in 2016, sold about 3,000 copies in its first week.

The poor sales figures did not come as a surprise. The mere announcement of the book deal Halperin signed with publisher Judith Regan of Regan Arts sparked a backlash from the disgraced pundit’s accusers. Regan, who once tried (unsuccessfully) to publish the eventual bestseller If I Did It by former Buffalo Bills running back O.J. Simpson, was undeterred. read more

14 Comments on REVIEW: ‘How To Beat Trump’ by Mark Halperin. [No one wanted it. He wrote it anyway]

  1. “Why I matter” would be a more appropriate title Marky. That you, your mother and Hillary bought 502 copies is simply pathetic. But not unexpected.

    There will be an asterisk next to the word ‘asterisk’ wherein the text may give you a participation trophy.

    It’s proper to not kick a man when he’s down. But he’s trying to get back up and he’s begging for another beat down.

    More beat down asked for. More beat down to be served.

  2. I bet they threw more than that AWAY from the bindery (misfed/misprinted pages, page(s) omitted, other printing errors) – that’s well within the margin of error on a first printing. 😆

  3. Now, who here still believes Hillary clinton sold 14 million books – to anyone other than Hillary Clinton? The next question: where did the scumbag dump all of them?

    And does anyone here really belive Obama will sell 63 million dollars in books? (that’s what the shit got advanced).

    See the bribery scheme?

  4. @Toxically Masculine November 30, 2019 at 12:53 am

    > Why are all the sexually harassing perverts liberal Jews?

    ‘Cause the goyim are too cheap to offer no talent, no show, “jobs”?

  5. “Why are all the sexually harassing perverts liberal Jews?”
    They’re easy to spot. They jump into the box cars while the trains still moving. For the greater good mind you.

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