Revolver Exposes NBC’s Designated Doxer – IOTW Report

Revolver Exposes NBC’s Designated Doxer


For more than two months, Revolver has worked to expose the true nature of the 2020 presidential election. Powerful forces in the national media, academia, intelligence services, and the courts are fighting to prevent America from holding an ordinary vote on November 3. Instead, they plan to pull off an Eastern Europe-style “color revolution,” where institutional forces are used to bring about the intended outcome regardless of what the law says or what the public wants, while giving the whole process a gloss of democratic legitimacy.

Harassment, censorship, and intimidation of Trump supporters by any means necessary is a key element of the “color revolution” strategy. And Brandy Zadrozny of NBC News is a key hatchet woman working on behalf of the oligarchs.

Zadrozny has a long history of targeting Trump supporters for doxing, censorship, and harassment. She poses as a neutral reporter, but like so many other “journalists” in 2020, she is simply an ideologically-motivated hitman. More

Media members were quick to defend their colleague after Tucker Carlson’s segment on this particular reporter last night. More

13 Comments on Revolver Exposes NBC’s Designated Doxer

  1. “Revolvers my first morning stop. A must follow.”

    Me, too, Brad. I don’t know how they did it, but it’s like the thinking man’s tabloid, with an awesome mix of aggregation, reporting and humor. I nearly lost it on that Joe Biden stick figure cartoon where he’s looking in on snoring Hunter, saying “Are ya winning, son?”

    Darren Beattie is an incredible journalist and editor.

  2. Basically, this bint is using the SPLC playbook. Nothing new, it’s just that a media outlet is utilizing it.

    They think they’re so smart doing this, but eventually someone who gets pushed to the edge by their shenanigans takes matters into their own hands.

  3. Margot

    The guy that runs it is a former Trump speech writer. An obvious Patriot. He/they do an awesome job. They advertise themselves as the next Drudge. Personally I think they are MUCH better.

  4. “The guy that runs it is a former Trump speech writer. An obvious Patriot. He/they do an awesome job. They advertise themselves as the next Drudge. Personally I think they are MUCH better.”

    Yep, that’s Darren. I agree they are much better than Drudge. In fact I suggested they lose the “Drudge” positioning as soon as it was no longer helpful in generating clicks. Lol, a number of sites lay claim to the title of The New Drudge or whatever. It’s kind of over-used.

  5. Margot
    I was thinking the exact same thing. Why set limits on yourself. Besides that, the average conservative that hears “Drudge” is immediately offended. I know I am. Matt Drudge, the marketing genius.

  6. “Why set limits on yourself.”

    Exactly, Brad. But, growing up in an advertising and public relations family, I learned from my parents the importance of positioning. There’s actually an old book on positioning theory. And that is why positioning with or better than Drudge is a good idea. I read the comments on Revolver and CFP and I can’t tell you how many times I’ll see someone comment that they just found out about the site and they’ve dropped Drudge and are delighted to have an alternative. So as long as it works for the sites, great.

    For myself, I was never that much of a Drudge fan to begin with. I just look for sites where I feel comfortable and that I think fit my personality, IOTW being one of them.

  7. Margot

    “growing up in an advertising and public relations family,”

    You got me there. I suck at that shit. The younger me was a firm believer in beaten MoFo’s until they agreed with me. But alas, the older me sees a flaw in that logic. What if they die first. It won’t work. Besides, I’m old now and my hands are arthritic. From beaten Libtard Communists. LOL

  8. “The younger me was a firm believer in beaten MoFo’s until they agreed with me”

    Sigh. If more people had been like you, we wouldn’t be where we are today. People complain about education in the schools, but if a few teachers and administrators got their lights punched out years ago by an angry father or two, things might be a lot different today. Too much tolerance for commies and perverts (but I repeat myself) has not been helpful.


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