RFK Jr. files to run for president as Democrat – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. files to run for president as Democrat

The Hill: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime anti-vaccine activist, filed paperwork Wednesday to run for president as a Democrat.

Kennedy filed a statement of candidacy on Wednesday to challenge President Joe Biden, who has yet to formally announce his bid for reelection, in the 2024 Democrat primary, the Associated Press reported. Kennedy had launched a fundraising campaign last month on social media to help him “decide whether to run for President.”

“If it looks like I can raise the money and mobilize enough people to win, I’ll jump in the race,” he tweeted last month. “If I run, my top priority will be to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power that has ruined our economy, shattered the middle class, polluted our landscapes and waters, poisoned our children, and robbed us of our values and freedoms. Together we can restore America’s democracy.” MORE h/t Heaux

23 Comments on RFK Jr. files to run for president as Democrat

  1. I wonder how long it will take for the big-gov mob to run him out-a town.

    Not too surprised a demwit has a [partial] brain. My sister found part of her brain when covid hit, and she was 150% demwit.

  2. If it makes people read his book on Fauci, that’s wonderful. He destroys Fauci, Bill Gates, Pfizer and all of Big Pharma. I highly recommend the book. As far as I know the book hasn’t resulted in any libel suits, so it’s safe to assume that most/all of it is true. He doesn’t pull any punches, and I respect him for that. I think that his agenda and Trump’s agenda would have quite a bit of overlap.

  3. From his website:
    “His steely character and unique history fighting crooked bureaucracies…”

    Oh yes, quite the self-effacing sort of fellow is he. Bloody hell. But hey – Go Bobby! The more of these progtards are in the ring, the more I’ll enjoy the slap fight.

  4. Hmmm…based on other comments here, perhaps I’m judging too quickly?

    No way I’d vote for him of course…but if he’s willing to pound on the uniparty, I’m happy to watch and cheer.

  5. Quinn,
    I too, read his book and have recommended it. I have a lot of respect for the man and what with him being a Democrat, that’s saying something. If I do say so myself.

  6. Robert Jr. is old school Democrat. He has basic common sense and can be reasoned with in general. He’s not focused on destroying The United States like his devout, demon-crat communist counterparts.
    Sure, he’s a little batty about real vaccines, but he’s absolutely correct about the Covid death jab, a fake vaccine aka gene therapy. If I was a Democrat (thank God I’m not), he’d get my vote.

  7. After reading a number of his articles, listening to interviews, thoughts, and watching his video, “The Real Anthony Fauci” documentary several times, kinda wonder what it would be like if he became Trump’s vice.

    May be even better than Pence. He does appear sincere and serious, and shares similar passions and views for America and its People. Might even wake up and tear many Democrats away from the dying Dem party by root and branch.


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