RFK Jr. Gets Wobbly on Question of Abortion – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. Gets Wobbly on Question of Abortion


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he’d sign a federal abortion ban if he wins the 2024 presidential election, then quickly did a 180. The Democratic presidential candidate was asked by a NBC News reporter while visiting the Iowa State Fair Sunday whether he would sign “federal protection” for the abortion rights that women used to have under Roe v. Wade, and responded, “I believe a decision to abort a child should be up to the women during the first three months of life.” The reporter then asked if that meant he would “cap it” at 15 or 21 weeks, to which he responded, “Yes, three months.” Asked again if he would sign a “federal cap on that” rather than “unlimited access to abortion,” he said, “Yes, I would,” before explaining further.

Once a child is viable, outside the womb, I think then the state has an interest in protecting the child,” he continued, later adding “I’m for medical freedom. I think individuals ought to be able to make their own choices.” The reporter then commented that because of his stance on medical freedom, she was “surprised” to hear he’d put a cap on abortion rights, to which he stumbled a bit while saying, among other things, “I would personally not” but that a state’s rights increase at viability, and that “very, very few” abortions take place after the 3-month mark anyway. Hours later, a Kennedy spokesperson issued a statement to NBC walking back the entire conversation.

“Mr. Kennedy misunderstood a question posed to him by an NBC reporter in a crowded, noisy exhibit hall at the Iowa State Fair,” said the rep, adding that Kennedy “does not support legislation banning abortion” and believes a woman “always” has the right to choose.


7 Comments on RFK Jr. Gets Wobbly on Question of Abortion

  1. At the end of the day, he’s a Democrat, and so will be ever apt to evil by definition.

    Use him as a spoiler, nothing more.

    …of course, regardless of your views, if abortion is the hill you choose to die on (so to speak), remember that a great many women want to be able to kill their babies for various reasons and will vote accordingly even WITHOUT Democrat cheating.

    Just saying.

    Ohio Issue 1, a simple change to the Ohio Constitution to require signature acquisition in 88 counties instead of half, and also change the requirement for changing the Constition from 50%+1 to 60%, went down in flames because BOTH sides made it about abortion, so chicks voted against it in droves. This leaves it open to easily amdending it for everything from gun bans to drugs to, of course, enshrining abortion as a State Constitutional “right”.

    Be careful how you frame these debates.

    At least as long as the 19th Amendment remains in force…

  2. Of course he’s for killing babies. People need to quit thinking there will ever be a federal ban and sadly I believe even this SCOTUS would rule it unconstitutional. Lots of money has been made off abortions for years and honestly pro-life groups and baby killing groups weren’t too happy with roe v wade being no more. So politicians will continue trying to make it an issue that they can raise money off of.
    I hope people aren’t dumb enough to vote for people like Pence who say they will sign an abortion ban, because Republicans will never pass that legislation even with a super majority.


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