RFK Jr. Joined the Trump/Biden Debate with John Stossel as Moderator – IOTW Report

RFK Jr. Joined the Trump/Biden Debate with John Stossel as Moderator

14 Comments on RFK Jr. Joined the Trump/Biden Debate with John Stossel as Moderator

  1. Oh goody. Bring on ABC’s Jonathan Karl-Marx. He’s all butt hurt, accusing President Trump of telling lie after lie after lie. Would be interesting to see his reaction to a debate featuring RFK Jr. Did Jonathan Karl-Marx tell Baghdad Bob “hold my beer?”

  2. He was on Fox and Friends this morning talking about how the two contestants totally missed the most important issue of the day. Young people ability to purchase a home. First of all it’s up to the moderators to ask the questions. Second of all Id rate thermal nuclear war and lawless invaders killing and raping our women over kid buying houses.
    And thirdly I’ve heard people in the real estate world blame skyrocketing rental rates on the 33 mil new arrivals we suddenly have. They’ve cause a massive housing shortage. Which in turn means the value of homes go up.
    I think the guys slipped his disco.

  3. I have to praise CNN and whoever kept RFK off the stage last night.
    The rules favored Trump and showcased biden’s* inability to speak without a teleprompter.
    RFK would have taken time from biden* and his implosions.
    RFK is a climate change nutjob too, so the moderators would have jumped on that.

  4. RFK hasn’t earned a position on the main stage.

    RFK is a third rate Liberal. The last of the kennedy clan who benefitted from his father’s (RFK, Sr.) and JFK’s name.
    Those coattails don’t exist anymore.
    RFK, The “Mitt Romney” of the democrat party.

  5. RFK has one redeeming quality. He hates the deep state/shadow government and wants to see them destroyed. He was also right on the money concerning the jab. Unfortunately just about every other issue he sounds like a total libtard.

  6. Houses have gone up so much under Biden’s open borders that many retired people living in big cities can no longer afford their property taxes each month from their social security. And many of them still have mortgages.

  7. Brad, very shortly, no one will be left in cities that can afford to own a home there, let alone live there at all. Teachers, firemen, cops, bus drivers, sanitation and utilities workers, etc, etc., all gone. The property assessments and resulting taxes ALONE (!) are driving people out, right now.

    The WEF is winning this battle hands down as we speak! We will own nothing, live in little cubicles and be happy.

    The State governments are fine with this because even with the mushrooming tax receipts, they’re BARELY able to pay bills with the millions in hand outs they’re set-up to pay to illegals under Biden’s open borders.

    The State is god.

    Nuke it from orbit.

  8. General Malaise

    One of, if not the only, benefit of living in California is your property tax is fixed, until you sell to a new owner. Prop 13, Jarvis Gann. It’s just the wife and I in a 5,000 sq ft home. We’d like to down size. Pay cash for something half the value, and half the size. Put the balance in the bank. But now we’d pay 40% capital gains tax on that money. I guess we’ll stay where we are at.

  9. Brad
    “push retired couples who own large homes”
    It’s not just retired people, the Big Bank companies are buying up every home they can get.
    One of the big pushes, is to do away with zoning laws for “Single Family” homes.
    I know of a 1500 Sqft home that got made into 3 apartments. Which is rented to mexicans. The guy across the street believes there is at least 20 people living there. 8 to 10 cars, no off street parking. People coming and going 24 hours a day.

  10. Brad 2:42
    If the time ever comes That I’m FORCED out of my house at gunpoint, my policy will be to go Russian scorched earth on MY land.
    That, and they’ll have to wade through the piles of bodies and brass to get to the door.
    Have fun spending more to clean it up then it’s worth, Nazis!

  11. B Woodman

    Things could easily evolve to that point if the Brain Dead regime is allowed to stay in power. We are a heavily armed household. They’d have to earn it. And the first five or so through the door first, aren’t going to make it. This is the Libtard Progressives war on property rights.

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