RFK Jr Running Mate Reveals How Anti-Democracy the Democrats Are – IOTW Report

RFK Jr Running Mate Reveals How Anti-Democracy the Democrats Are

4 Comments on RFK Jr Running Mate Reveals How Anti-Democracy the Democrats Are

  1. Ahhh, serisly? You thought the party of non stop interference in DJT’s first term, Seth Rich, Hillary, Bill, the 2020 outright steal, Barack, Susan Rice et.al. would let you endanger the greatest grift is the history of the world?

    The naivete’ is frankly astonishing.

  2. I’m worried about RFK. Rumor mill says he’s being considered for CIA. At CIA he may have access to RFK and JFK assassination records. The CIA and the FBI sure as hell don’t want that. They’ll kill him.

  3. Schadenfreude. When a long time leftist gets mistreated by the party over political differences then gets all huffy. Mixed, as it were, with the urge to kill, as the erstwhile victim has for many years been the oppressor of others similarly situated.

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