Rice Confirms, She Ordered “Unmasking” For Obama’s Daily Briefing – IOTW Report

Rice Confirms, She Ordered “Unmasking” For Obama’s Daily Briefing


So how do you get the world’s smartest man to sit down and actually read his daily briefings?  Why salt it with juicy stuff about members of the opposition apparently. That anyway, has become Susan Rice’s excuse for ordering the unmasking of “U.S. Persons,” so she could put the information into Obama’s daily intelligence briefings.

Old story on Obama reading only half his intel briefings Here

Susan Rice’s excuse Here

Read the whole think from the Conservative Treehouse.  If Obama wasn’t reading his briefings, he made them available to a bunch of people in the Executive branch.




13 Comments on Rice Confirms, She Ordered “Unmasking” For Obama’s Daily Briefing

  1. Oh Yeah, I trust the FBI and comey to investigate this breach of National Security. I mean, it not like they intended to destroy their government e-mails, cell phones, electronic devices, kept a server in a bathroom, obstructed investigations and lied or anything.

  2. I love this part:

    “(Andrea) Mitchell’s use of wording carefully guides Susan Rice through the narrow path of self-incrimination by providing plausible deniability for verbal missteps.”

    All we need now is Tiny Tim to sing us out:

    “Tiptoe through the window
    By the window, that is where I’ll be
    Come tiptoe through the tulips* with me…”

    (* – Read: “minefield”)


  3. Does she? She clearly states Obama did. She also said she could make a request, but it could be denied.
    Meaning she can’t “unmask” only leak.
    The fact that some storied are she unmasked and others that she leaked only indicates Trumps team are still leaking false stories and Rice is feeling the heat, but not that she is the target. Just Ike Flynn was never the real target, he was the bait.

  4. They’re just trying to wear us down. Butt, it won’t work, because we see them for the ass clowns that they are! Keep the pressure on, never let up, and eventually they will get tired of hearing the truth and recoil into their darkness that they want to envelop everything and everybody in.

  5. “I was not aware of any ‘wiretapping’ of Trump, because, I was never at any of the briefings, nor did I even look at the printouts. That was a job for hourly-paid staffers, like the housekeepers.”

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