Rice KrisPees – IOTW Report

Rice KrisPees

Have you had your breakfast yet?

Have you heard about the animal that peed on the Kellogg’s assembly line?

There’s video.


28 Comments on Rice KrisPees

  1. I couldn’t tell his race and until I read old oaks comment I hadn’t considered it. Who ever fucking did it isn’t right in their head.

    Tell you this though, a large portion of Memphis has become a no-go zone for whites-sorry Elvis fans. It’s bad, one of the worst mid size cities for the race war on whites.

  2. MM I don’t believe that he is “not right in the head.” This is a deliberate act of hatred. I’m sure it’s a race thing, like spitting on food before serving it. Al la Jesse Jacksoon. The Reverend.

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