Rich Lowry documents the collusion between Russia and Obama – IOTW Report

Rich Lowry documents the collusion between Russia and Obama

Common Sense Evaluation:

What Rich Lowry has done here is put it down in a page and a half in almost chronological order, in as simple and understandable a way as possible.

From Rush Limbaugh:

Rich Lowry has done a great piece of work here at National Review. “Turns Out Obama Was the Real Russian Stooge”. All of this that Lowry writes about is known and has been known, but it was known and reported on, discussed in piecemeal fashion. What Rich has done here is put it down in a page and a half in almost chronological order, in as simple and understandable a way as possible. And he has a very clever beginning of the piece.

“The circumstantial evidence is mounting that the Kremlin succeeded in infiltrating the US government at the highest levels.” Now, the hoi polloi and the great unwashed reading that are obviously going to think that Lowry is talking about the Russians colluding with Trump to beat Hillary.

“The circumstantial evidence is mounting that the Kremlin succeeded in infiltrating the US government at the highest levels. How else to explain a newly elected president looking the other way after an act of Russian aggression? Agreeing to a farcically one-sided nuclear deal? Mercilessly mocking the idea that Russia represents our foremost geo-political foe?”

Let me take each one of these. How else to explain a newly elected president looking the other way after an act of Russian aggression. That’s Obama and Crimea. That’s Obama and Ukraine. And that’s Assad. At every step of the way, when Russia, when Putin commits an act of aggression, Obama said (imitating Obama), “You better cut it out. You better stop doing it,” and with Syria he drew a red line and dared Assad to cross it. Assad crossed the red line; Putin kept acting aggressive. Nothing was done to stop it.



13 Comments on Rich Lowry documents the collusion between Russia and Obama

  1. The 57 State, Red Line Drawing, Red Line Denying, No-Records, Mexican Gun-running, IRS targeting, Benghazi Bullshitting, Peace-Prize Stealing, “You Didn’t Built That”, Lying/Denying, Bush-blaming, Marxist Muzlim POS was contantly looking for “racism”. When he couldn’t find any he simply made shit up! He did the same thing with Trump’s election win. For a year he turned our country’s Surveillance tools lose on Trump deperately trying to find any Russian connections to damn him with. When the Constitution-stomping, race-baiting, America-hating, phony-baloney, plastic banana republic Communist Organizer couldn’t find any, he simply made shit up!Anybody see a pattern here???

  2. Is it possible for Rich Lowry to say anything without dragging our current POTUS’s dick in the dirt?
    Without example he states the following: “To be sure, Donald Trump’s statements about Russia over the last year-and-a-half have often been stupid and shameful.”

  3. Rich Lowery, The head Never Trumper at National Review.
    Lets all jump on the Trump Train, now that we know its going somewhere. That is his Plea.” Ass Hole” he is.
    And I don’t want to hear about how we all need to embrace what this asshole is selling now.
    Screw him, all he wants to do is get back in the game, and push his bullshit Chamber of Commerce and Globalist Garbage , We are smarter than you. Crap Weasel he is.

  4. Billy Foster, you are so right! Where does the left get the ideas for their outrageous accusations against the right? From their own behavior. It’s projection, all the way down.

  5. Back when the black jesus was running for prez there was a picture of him with the black panthers. I pointed this out to lowry who said it never happened. Couldn’t stand him on Mc Laughlin Report. He’s an asshole.

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