Rich Lowry – Leftist Smears Validate Trumpian Politics – IOTW Report

Rich Lowry – Leftist Smears Validate Trumpian Politics

Rich Lowry was once anti-Trump. He’s one of the few at National Review who “gets” it.

There are giant dumbbell loads over there who preen as if they are intellectuals and they cannot, for the life of them, see the value in having Trump in the white house at this place and time. They’d much rather see some pushover genteel pussy who would be stomped to dust by the ruthless left. It’s almost as if they agree with the left, that’s how suspect it is when they’d rather have a McCain than a Trump in the oval office.


The attempted political assassination of Brett Kavanaugh is bad for the country, but good for a Trumpian attitude toward American politics.

The last-minute ambush validates key assumptions of Donald Trump’s supporters that fueled his rise and buttress him in office, no matter how rocky the ride has been or will become. At least three premises have been underlined by the tawdry events of the past couple of weeks.

First, that good character is no defense. If you are John McCain, who genuinely tried to do the right thing and carefully cultivated a relationship with the media over decades, they will still call you a racist when you run against Barack Obama.

If you are Mitt Romney, an exceptionally earnest and decent man, they will make you into a heartless and despicable vulture capitalist, also for the offense of campaigning against Obama.

If you are Brett Kavanaugh, a respected member of the legal establishment who doesn’t have a flyspeck on his record across decades of public service in Washington, they will come up with dubious accusations of wrongdoing from decades ago when you were a teenager.

Second, that the media is an unremitting political and cultural adversary. In the Kavanaugh controversy, the press has been wholly on the other side, presuming his guilt and valorizing his accusers and their supporters, including Hawaii senator Mazie Hirono, whose most famous contribution to the debate was telling men to “shut up.” The advocacy isn’t limited to cable networks or the Twitter feeds of journalists. It reaches all the way up the food chain.


9 Comments on Rich Lowry – Leftist Smears Validate Trumpian Politics

  1. I’m telling you as a stone cold natural fact there wasn’t another candidate on the Republican side that was up to the task of getting these nominations through and I have been saying that since the early days of the campaign. After watching Donald Trump go through the competition like shit through a goose it decided me that he was exactly the man for the job.

  2. Lowry still takes unwarranted jabs at Trump. Trump is a Constitutionalist; he tries to enforce laws on the books, works through the system, and doesn’t threaten to govern with a pen and a phone. Trump may be brash, but I’m still continually amazed about how many of his supposedly insane statements turn out to be true. And as for being confrontational, this is what is needed at this time and at this place. Leftists prefer Republicans who turn the other cheek; Trump aims a haymaker at their noses.

    Leftists and radicals are the scum of the earth, and not just present day leftists. Their sole purpose in life is to attain absolute power, and they will lie, cheat and steal – and frequently murder – to gain that power. They need the support of the ignorant, and will stomp on these people once their purpose has been served. They will divide society against itself, yet advance no group except themselves. Once they gain power, they will ruthlessly protect it against anyone.

    Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Chavez, Maduro, Pol Pot; examine the lives and actions of these ego maniacs and try to tally the millions they have killed in a quest to attain and keep power. Then try to lie to me some more about how “compassionate” they are.

  3. We have been saying for years we want a republican with a backbone and a willingness to take the fight to them, not cut and run.
    President Trump (MILST) is just the man for the job.
    I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, even if the accusations are true (which I don’t believe a one of them, but if they were) I would still vote to confirm because I’m sick and tired of 20-30 year ago issues being used to kill conservatives but when it comes to dems yesterdays murder is brushed under the rug. FUCK THAT SHIT!

  4. @organgrinder – The one good thing I can think of about Lowry is that he has the ears (OK, eyes) of quite a few never-Trumpets and people otherwise not Trump fans or supporters. If he can get even a few to simple wake up and think a little bit, that would be a plus. Even for a (mostly) despicable jerk.


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