Rich Millennials Plot the End of Civilization – IOTW Report

Rich Millennials Plot the End of Civilization


The New York Times managed to find some young people whose silver spoons provide a sour taste in their mouths. To hear them talk, their good fortune is making them sick. 

“I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” Sam Jacobs, 25, told the Times. Jacobs went off to college a normal young man and came back a socialist. Suddenly his family’s “extreme, plutocratic wealth” became too much of a burden for him. 

“He wants to put his inheritance toward ending capitalism,” Zoë Beery wrote for the NYT, “and by that he means using his money to undo systems that accumulate money for those at the top, and that have played a large role in widening economic and racial inequality.”

Wow, that is some self-loathing. If only Ludwig von Mises were able to counsel young Jacobs, whose grandfather founded Qualcomm and who is set to inherit $100 million. In his book Epistemological Problems of Economics, Mises wrote, “Through all the changes in the prevailing system of social stratification, moral philosophers continued to hold fast to the fundamental idea of Cicero’s doctrine that making money is degrading.”

Beery writes that wealth is concentrated in the upper brackets and “Millennials will be the recipients of the largest generational shift of assets in American history.” 

That doesn’t seem like a worrying thought; however, it is for Rachel Gelman, a thirty-year-old in Oakland, California, who described her politics to Beery as “anticapitalist, anti-imperialist and abolitionist.”

“My money is mostly stocks, which means it comes from underpaying and undervaluing working-class people, and that’s impossible to disconnect from the economic legacies of Indigenous genocide and slavery,” the guilty Gelman said. “Once I realized that, I couldn’t imagine doing anything with my wealth besides redistribute it to these communities.”


29 Comments on Rich Millennials Plot the End of Civilization

  1. @MJA – right!
    Hey kiddies! Feel free to donate to legitimate charities that do good things for poor people. That’s what your ancestors who made all that money probably did. Don’t waste your inheritance ruining the world for everyone else!

  2. what a bunch of fucking assholes.

    can someone tell these little bastards that they won’t be able to get coffee at Starbucks.

    yet chelsea clinton does not subscribe to this shit, expenseing her wedding to her parents grifting charity.

  3. …not a fan of World Vision. Got involved with their adopt a kid thing when they were operating out of the Miracle Theater in Pigeon Forge years ago, and caught them in lies about the mythical kid they were shilling. I don’t really care if the kid exists or not, but don’t blatantly lie to me for money and hold yourself out to be a Christian charity at the same time…

  4. Globe trotting, jet setting around the world spreading their self-loathing hatred for the wealth that buys them them the finest things in life.

    MJA said it all: give it to charity. You’d be surprised how good that makes you feel. And don’t just stroke a check, get involved, volunteer, make a difference in someone’s life. It’s the best cure for silver spoon self-loathing. Ask the One who gave us those instructions. He’s a pretty wise guy.

  5. These silver spoon trust funder assholes are lying their asses off. They’re not going to give up their wealth. Their obsession is not with equality and justice. Their obsession is with using their wealth to control the kind of everyday people who don’t give a damn about their wealth. That’s what sticks in their craw.

  6. I guess this is why it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich millennial to enter the kingdom of heaven. At least Judas wanted to help the poor

  7. My daughter went to college a fine Christian girl and came out a raving Marxist loon, a carpet munching dyke and refusing to communicate with anyone in her family. And almost forgot, a music major with a useless degree.

  8. Heard a wealthy liberal on hanity radio show say he wants death to all conservatives and capitalism. He’s fine though because he already has his money and has no kids! These folks need to be erraticated.

  9. And when he, like the spoiled brats of previous children of rich parents, squanders his money he will learn something about America. I have not been able to find it again, but their was an article in Smithsonian Magazine in the early ‘90’s that told of the original social register on about 1893. By the 50th anniversary of the list over 40% of the families had dropped off and been replaced. By 1993, the 100 anniversary of the list, something like 85% of the original names had dropped off and replaced.

    I could be wrong, but many of the names that were still on the list were names of families who were associated with politicians in some form or another. In other words, you wouldn’t see the Kennedy’s name coming off anytime soon – all the while they talk a good game of how we should redistribute wealth as long as it isn’t theirs. And they will take their cut out of the other people’s wealth they help redistribute.

  10. Sending your kids to college is one of the most dangerous things you can probably do for/to them.
    Stealing their hearts and minds from you and God, I know there are exceptions.
    We are in a war, don’t give them your kids if you care. Starve them out. That goes for k-12 as well.

  11. It isn’t the trust fund kids that worry me, it is the rabid leftist rantings of tech giants and financiers — the contemporary Davos crowd that are ramming the Great Reset down our throats.

    Like every despot throughout history, they are telling us, plainly and very publicly, what they are going to do because they know we can’t do anything to stop them.

    Biden tells us our darkest days are ahead of us. He got that right. Ever the accidental truth-teller.

  12. “I want to build a world where someone like me, a young person who controls tens of millions of dollars, is impossible,” Sam Jacobs, 25, told the Times.

    I’d be happy if we just denied “someone like him” the right to vote. With all his money, maybe he could buy a one-way ticket to someplace like Venezuela.

  13. @MJA

    Very good point. Donate anonymously and physically get involved.

    My son’s school had a food drive and they asked everyone to donate a couple cans etc. I put my Kid in the van, drove to the grocery store and we bought a heck of a lot of Pasta, beans, lentils, chic peas, tuna etc. I wanted him to see how much decent, high protein food you can buy without soda, booze, sweets etc.

    Made him haul it into the school by himself from the truck next day.

  14. MJA – I might agree with you, except I know of several people who give/have given to churches and other charities anonymously, which is almost the purest form of charity.

    I offer this as an alternative to your suggestion. Remove the charitable contribution tax deduction, and make giving truly from the heart – as it was originally intended to be – and not from a financial incentive.

  15. stirrin the pot
    DECEMBER 22, 2020 AT 10:44 PM
    “…I know of several people who give/have given to churches and other charities anonymously, which is almost the purest form of charity.”

    …the only REAL form a charity.

    So sayeth the Lord…

    “1 Take heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

    2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

    3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

    4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.”
    Matthew 6:1-4

  16. I’m a working stiff in need of some socio-economic equalization. Please send me just one of your millions to help re-balance the equitable playing fields (of your mind).*

    *Because, oh baby, is your mind being played by someone {“an idle mind is the ….}

  17. Any successful family is always one generation from this made worse by the current state of indoctrination.

    Is the prodigal son worse or better if he plans to selfishly use his birthright for personal pleasure or to end the capitalist system because of the so called history of genocide and exploitation of the indigenous peoples?

    They made cellphones not the leg shackles on the Amistad. Donate a portion of that largesse to impoverished community chiropractors to prevent the rapid spread of cranio-rectal impaction.

    I see this every year. In my line of work, our parent company has what are essentially family owned franchisees. The families must have a succession plan or they will be bought out upon the retirement of a principal. As such, these titans of their local communities will embed a son’s and daughters into various roles to facilitate.

    However, these are people of means. They send their kids to fancy schools and they come out with even fancier ideas like those proffered by Brantley Winfield Chesterfield the 4th offered in the article.

    When Brantley wants to fuck off to some Social Justice mission or pursue their lifelong dream which doesn’t involve the family business, it can get real ugly. And it should.

    Starting with Daddy Warbucks writing Abbie Hoffman out of his Will. Save us all the successive generations of the Ford Foundations, Carnegies, Fulbrights, etc. from polluting everyone else’s families who scrimped and saved to send Johnny and Janey to universities that turned them into into little Adolfs and Evas.

  18. MJA, Jack in the box might also be left as well for all stoners along with Taco Hell. Hambone, give them a copy of Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, if it worked for Chuck Colson to turn his life around it’ll work for anybody. And why does this story remind me of the rich young man who came to Jesus asking him “Master what should I do with my money.” And then walked away when he didn’t listen to Jesus’s advice of what to do with it.

  19. Anybody who is that self righteous and selfish will always take care of their financial sustainability for their lifetime.
    No way are these elitist millennial panty wastes going to suffer for the globalist “cause”. Suffering only applies to the masses.

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