Richard Dreyfuss talks with Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

Richard Dreyfuss talks with Tucker Carlson

I just watched this and was gobsmacked. Wow. If you want to watch the best, go to 2:30 and watch from there. If you do, I guarantee that you will go back and watch from the beginning.

Watch the video HERE.

35 Comments on Richard Dreyfuss talks with Tucker Carlson

  1. Folks you are being snowed! Dreyfuss is talking about civics to draw the conversation away from the illegal actions of the cities. If he really cares, let him explain why immigration is covered under the 9th and or 10th amendments of the constitution. Tucker should have stopped him from this soliloquy to ask him how this relates to the subject at hand. He then should have said to Dreyfuss that he has ten seconds to address his questions or else he would cut him off and give free air time to the sponsors of the network.

  2. Dreyfuss looks like an older Tucker C. Apart from that, most of what he said is to be found in MANY pamphlets that were passed out to new immigrants pre-1960. I know this because I have done quite a bit of research into citizenship and have run across lots of random “civics” publications in my searches. I will not go into the weeds, but it was the common position taken by all before the 60’s.

  3. @ geoff the aardvark
    FIGHT ME. What about Bob is a MASTERPIECE. One of my favorite movies, a classic Frank Oz picture. Bill Murray is hilarious in it, and watching Dreyfuss slowly lose his mind is the best part.

  4. chuffed, I kind of agree, What About Bob was a good movie. One scene that sticks out for me is when RD kicks BM out of his house and RD’s family is so disappointed. He says “you think he’s gone, he’s not gone” and he opens the door and BM is standing right there. If used that line many times. Plus, I have a brother that is pretty damn similar to BM. I always liked the movie.

  5. I agree with Anonymous and Jethro too. Wasn’t the interview supposed to be about Dreyfus supporting sanctuary cities?
    Dreyfus never addressed that, and it seems Tucker let him off the hook.
    It was a nice lecture about civics in our schools though.
    Maybe Fox is vetting him to be one of their liberal panelists. He’d be a sure bet over Juan Williams, Geraldo, or Bob Fatty R. Beckel.

  6. Dreyfuss has a very liberal/libertarian lifestyle. Hence, the shrewd and estute study of the U.S. Constitution. He’s just wanting to protect his way of life as he understands it. He’s right about what we should all support as Americans – our national identify and purpose. He should not be mistaken for a conservative. Dreyfuss agrees with us only to the point of the founding principles of our nation.

  7. Met Dreyfus and his family once when he was checking in at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel in Filthydelphia. Back in 1983. A truly nice person, quiet, humble, great sense of humour, no entourage. But still a Libtard.

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