Richard Gere helping invasion of Europe by economic asylum seekers – IOTW Report

Richard Gere helping invasion of Europe by economic asylum seekers

He’s one of the idiots who think that 3rd world people simply need to change location and they’ll become sophisticates, not understanding that it just turns the new locale into a third world area.

When he says “start a new life” he means “instantly get on the public dole and sap resources intended for the tax paying citizen suckers.

I don’t think any of these boat people will be getting anywhere near Gere’s house.

16 Comments on Richard Gere helping invasion of Europe by economic asylum seekers

  1. Never could stand him or his acting. He’s typical of all the other liberal assholes with his generosity. He gives freely that which isn’t his to give while hoarding his own assets.

  2. The migrants we see today, on a worldwide basis, don’t assimilate into the countries they migrate to.

    They don’t share the same culture, religion, morality, beliefs or even language to provide some common ground of unity with their new countries and have no intention to start doing it.

    People with nothing in common in a nation make a divided nation and that division always ends up producing negative results, usually violent ones.

    Glad that can’t happen here where we all have the same basic standards and beliefs.

  3. Richard Gere and Joe Biden could almost be the same person. Unfortunately for Gere he didn’t get to keep his good looks like some former Hollywood heart throbs.

  4. Hey Gere, you pompous ass, how about you help the ‘migrants’ in their home country so that they don’t have to migrate anywhere?

    Dropping an African in France doesn’t make him a Frenchman anymore than me moving to Japan would make me Japanese.

    If a country can’t protect it’s own borders it won’t be a country for long.

  5. Globalists, we call them. But you should all know who they are. Booted from 127 countries.They’ve been trying to ruin the world for thousands of years now. They’re getting very damn close this time.

  6. Gere is an ass-hole for sure. Right after 9/11 he got up on stage somewhere in NYC and said: “What we need is more love”.

    He got booed off stage. He is a complete ass-hole and a perfect host for gerbils.


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